LITERATURE FORM 1 – INTERPRETING LITERARY WORKS msomimaktaba, November 11, 2018February 13, 2019 Intensive reading: Involves comprehension and summary while reading a class reader (books) its chapters, the following activities should be done.Understanding the writing and pictures on the front cover, usually they summarize or give a piece of information of what is in the class reader (book)Title of the class reader (book)– A name or topic which is discussed in the chaptersAuthor: A person writes a book must be memorized.Main or chief character(s) he/ she is the main actorMinor character persons or animals in the storySetting (venue – A particular place in which the story take place Example, Dar es salaam, Nairobi, Kampala etcDifficult words should be selected and their meaning understood either by using a dictionary (decretive memory) or according how they are used in the book.To summarize each chapter in one or two sentences and finally the whole book into one to five sentences.The lesson one can learn from the book.The importance or significance or relevant of the book in societyIt is still useful or notIntensive reading therefore means reading deeply while extensive reading refers to reading widely (a lot of book) Skimming – Narrow information into one sentences or passage Scanning – Reading intensively for specific information Definition of teams Author – A person who write a book or storingPlot – The main sequence of events in a play, novelTheme – Subject of a taller, piece of writingChapter – main division of a bookCharacter – Particular nature of someoneSetting – way of place in which something is settingSummary – A brief statement of the main pointComprehension- The ability to understandPublisher – A company or person that Publisher, book, News,Paper, Journal CLASS READER I. Who is the author?The author is Richard S. Mabala II. List of what you see in frontHawa the bus driverThe busUbungo plaza (the weather building)114 (the number route of the car)UDA (the name of a car)Isuzu (the name of the company of the car)T 140 ADS (the plate number of the car)(h)Coconut tree (i) Route of the bus K/Koo Mention the name of the publish. The publisher is Ben and company Ltd.Who is the main character of the whole book why? Hawa is the main character of the book because she is the one who the whole story is taking about her being a bus driver.Names of the characterSelemaniHawaMzee AthumaniSaadaHassani Hawa the bus driver CHAPTER I HAWA’S DESCRIPTION Famous in Dar es salaamVery strong woman, tall, toughWeight 82kgsBus driverThe lioness SELEMANI Husband of HawaWorker at Urafiki Texttile MillA medicine operatorTall, strongSmilling, cool CHAPTER II, HAWA’S DAY Hawa lives in Manzese, suburb of Dar es Salaam.Two children Hassan and SaudaPrimary school teacher GeorgeA nurse Chausiku, best friend of HawaCHAPTER III HAWA AND THE DRUNKED Hawa focus trouble from a drunkardThe conductor, Meshack co-operates with passengers to help Hawa comfort the drunkard – The drunkard is taken to police station. CHAPTER IV HAWA AND THE THIEVES During the night shift, A man with a pistol pointed at HawaHawa hijacked and ordered to drive to MbeziMade attack with a passenger who was in a blue overallHawa stopped the bus abruptlyThe thief was overcome by grabbing the pistolThe passengers helpedThe thief was taken to the police stationHawa becomes the Heroine with mind that arms are like baobab trees. CHAPTER VAccidents are common in Dar es salaam due to drivers negligence, driving to fast disobey traffic lights, ignore other cars Changu ni changu chota chako kwingine Bus coach hit a primary school boyHawa takes troubles to take him to hosp[italPassengers are angry as well as police officers her hart is as sweet as ripe mango CHAPTER VI SELEMAN IS JEALOUS Seleman is jealous because his wife is more famous Hawa the great Some of Selemani’s friends advised him that it is wrong for a wife to be famous and bad to drive a busSelemani orders his wife a stop driving and stay at home.Unwilling Hawa decides to resignBefore submitting a resignation letter her fellow drivers advice her not to do so until they take with her husbandAfter a long discussion selemani changes his mind and allow Hawa to drive after seeking his opinion to.Hawa and Seleman, continued to live happy together. Lesson or significance or importanceGenerally, Hawa the bus driver is still relevant in society.Heroine driversRole of women to prepare breakfast/ meal for the familyMockery against women who exceed in society above men has no place anymore.Hijackers of business and planesAccidents in urban areas/ cities and highwaysHealous of husband who do not like to hear their wife. Structure Articles a, an, the, are called articlesA: uses of article “a and an” (Indefinite Articles) “a” is used for countable singular Nouns Example: a book, a boy“an” is also used for countable singular Nouns but those which start with a pronunciation of a vowel a, e, I, o, u etc.Example: an elephant, an eggBut we can also say an honest man because although the word honest start with “h” yet “h” is not pronounced. In pronunciation the word starts with a vowel “O” /Onist/a/an are used to refer to things which are not clear to us (indefinite) ExampleA national party (which one?)A man is outside (who?) (i) a/an are used to introduce something or a person for the first time.Example:I bought a radio.The radio was stolen after two weeks (ii) an/a are used with illnessExampleI have a cold/ a headacheI have a stomachacheNote: we don’t use articles with pluralsExample: measles, mumpsWe also don’t use articles with: blood pressure, flu, gout or hepatitisYou cannot sayI have a blood pressure but you can sayI have blood pressure(iii) an/a are used when describing someone‘s nationality.Example: She is an AmericanHe is an African She is a TanzanianNote:Do not put a if the Noun is pluralExample: I saw a boys (No!)But: I saw boys (Yes) Exercise Put in the space below article a or an or put a dash (-) if no article is neededI can repair __________ carI can write__________ lettersI can eat______________ onionUse_______ ruler to draw ___________linesI am ________Tanzania DEFINITE ARTICLE “The” Uses of “the” is used with the following things:Organizations E.g. the OAU, the UNOshipsE.g. The M.V Express before certain expressions of time e.g. – in the afternoon – on the previous dayOn public bodiese.g. the police, the RTD HISTORICAL EVENTS: e.g. The Arusha declaration The majimaji war (vi)Political partiese.g. The UMD party The NPP The presse.g. The Daily NewsRiver E.g. The Ganges, The Nile(ix)Before musical instruments e.g. He plays the guitar (x) Mountains e.g. The Alps The Kilimanjaro (xi)Oceane.g. The Atlantic Things mentioned for the second time e.g. I bought a shirt and an umbrella, The shirt is now oldUsed before the name of a country which consist of an Adjective!Example:The United KingdomThe Soviet UnionThe United ArabBut not; The West German The Great Britain The New ZealandThings which are unique (the only one) e.g. The stars,The moon,The God,The Angles,The Kilimanjaro hotel,The Hilton (xv)Used before superlative e.g. The biggest boy The most beautiful girl (xvi) The only thing found in the house e.g. The wall The window The roof The kitchen The floorNote: Do not use articlesIn front of uncountable Nounse.g. I like butterWith languagese.g. English is a world languageIn front proper Nounse.g. Mwamsiku is our Headmaster INTERPRETING POEMS POETRY Definition: is an art which uses imaginative language in a pattern of lines and sounds to express deep thought, feeling or human experience. However there are different definitions of the term poetry depending on the author, we can generally define poetry as the art of composing or writing poems. Note: poems are meant for singing Structure of poetry What is a poem?It is a piece of writing arranged in patterns of lines and sounds. What is poet?It is an artist of writer who composes poems What is stanza?It is a group of lines divisions in a poem What is a verse?It is a single line in a poem What is simile?It is a way of comparing things using words like……………as…………or like………………………. What is metaphor?It is a way of comparing things without words of comparison What is imaginary?It is an art of drawing word picture by comparing the reality of what is talked about to different but relevant aspect of reality. What is rhyme? Words with some sound at the end of the verse e.g. fly, tie, pie. What is alliteration?Words with some sound at the beginning of words in verse reinforce the meaning. Example: pixpox , pax pox etc.1. What is reiteration?It is repetition of a word, a verse or even a stanza for a particular effecte.g. You are dead and dead and dead indeed POETRY ANALYSIS Content – What the poem is about or what to describesThemes/ Message – Lessons we learn from the poem or novels messagee.g. ignorance, exploitation, friendship3. Form – how the poem is arranged (stanza and verses) 4. Mood – attitude of the poete.g. happiness, anger, seriousness, etc.5. Symbolism – using a person or object /animals as if they re people Example: EAT MORE GRASS (JOE CORRIE) “Eat more grass” the slogan says more fish, more beef, more bread but I’m on unemploymentpay my third year now and weed. Read the following poem very fast Katai is a MasaiKatai can tie and untie a tie If katai can tie and untie a tieWhy can’t I tie a tie?Like katai, cantieAnd untie a tie?QuestionsWhich tribe is katai?……………………..What can katai do?………………………. Structure BETWEEN/AMONG Between – is used with two thingsAmong – is used with more than two things Examples: Kibile is standing between two girlsRiwa Kariwa is standing among four girlsThe car is between two busesRuth is among ten girls who failed the exams. ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS:AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVELBAM NOTES A LEVELBASIC MATH O LEVELBIOLOGY O/A LEVELBOOK KEEPING O LEVELCHEMISTRY O/A LEVELCIVICS O LEVELCOMPUTER(ICT) O/A LEVELECONOMICS A LEVELENGLISH O/A LEVELCOMMERCE O/A LEVELACCOUNTING A LEVELGENERAL STUDIES NOTESGEOGRAPGY O/A LEVELHISTORY O/A LEVELKISWAHILI O/A LEVELPHYSICS O/A LEVELMOCK EXAMINATION PAPERSNECTA PAST PAPERS English Study Notes Form 1 English Study Notes Msomi Maktaba All Notes FORM 1Post navigationPrevious postNext postRelated PostsMatokeo ya darasa la saba 2023 Mtwara – PSLE Results for Mtwara region in 2023/2024 February 2, 2024Now that the PSLE exam is over and for all regions in the country including Mtwara region and its districts such as Mtwara MC, Mtwara DC, Tandahimba DC, Newala DC, Masasi DC, Masasi TC, Nanyumbu DC, Newala TC, Nanyamba TC, you might be wondering what your results are. 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Download Msomi Maktaba App March 27, 2019July 21, 2019Download Msomi Maktaba App Now for past papers & offline Reading. Install Msomi Maktaba App for offline Study Notes and unlimited access to Msomi Maktaba Past Papers . OPEN GOOGLE PLAY AND SEARCH MSOMI MAKTABA OR CLICK THE ANIMATION BELOW TO DOWNLOAD APK Troubleshooting Install Blocked error in Android Allowing… Read More
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