LITERATURE FORM 1 – WRITING A VARIETY OF TEXTS msomimaktaba, November 11, 2018February 13, 2019 WRITING TEXTS AT THE BANK COUNTER DEPOSITION MONEY Now imaging that you are at the bank counter and you want to keep your money there. This is called depositing. In the bank you will be giving PAY-IN-SLIP you must fill in the form correctly. The following are instruction and information, which will help you to fill in the form. Write your nameYour bank brunch is Ubungo. Your account number is 002233445566. Write the date of today write your address. You have the following moneyFive notes of ten thousand eachSeven notes of five thousandThirty notes of two thousand each At the bank If you have a lot of money you must take it to the bank and keep it there. Exercise: What bad things may happen if you keep your money at home or in the dormitory? i. The house may catch fire and the money will be burnt. ii. _______________________________________________ iii. iv. At the bank counters Depositing money. Now imagine that you are at the bank counter and you want to keep your money there. This is called depositing. In the bank you will give pay-in-slip. You must fill in the form correctly.The following are instructions and information, which will help you to fill the form.Write your name.Your bank branch is Ubungo. Your account number is 002233445566. Write the date of today. Write your address. You have the following money. i. Five notes of ten thousand each. ii. Seven notes of five thousand each. iii. Thirty notes of two thousand each.Twenty eight notes of one thousand each.Nine notes of five hundred each.Eighteen coins of twenty shilling each. vii. Nine coins of one shilling each Now fill in the pay-in-slip below: Don’t forget to write the total amount you deposited in both numbers and words. WithdrawalSometimes you have to go to the bank and take some of the money you deposited. This is called withdrawal.You don’t have to take the whole amount of money you deposited. So you have to fill in the withdrawal form(voucher). Now fill in the following form so as to withdraw 112,00/ Bank balanceIt is very important to know how much money is left in your account in the bank. This is called bank balance. Exercise Now fill the following slip so that you can know your balance I think you still remember how much you deposited and how much you withdrew. Now fill in the present balance.A DiaryA diary is a book of records showing things which you may do in the future.It also show things that you did today, previous days, weeks or months ago. In the diary you should only write important things. We use diaries so that we may not forget important events. Exercise The following is a page of diary (i)fill in 5 important things you did yesterday in diary 1.(ii) fill in important 5 things you will do tomorrow in diary 2.(iii)prepare a month diary and fill in all the important things you will do in that month. Show it to your teacher . Diary 1 ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS:AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVELBAM NOTES A LEVELBASIC MATH O LEVELBIOLOGY O/A LEVELBOOK KEEPING O LEVELCHEMISTRY O/A LEVELCIVICS O LEVELCOMPUTER(ICT) O/A LEVELECONOMICS A LEVELENGLISH O/A LEVELCOMMERCE O/A LEVELACCOUNTING A LEVELGENERAL STUDIES NOTESGEOGRAPGY O/A LEVELHISTORY O/A LEVELKISWAHILI O/A LEVELPHYSICS O/A LEVELMOCK EXAMINATION PAPERSNECTA PAST PAPERS English Study Notes Form 1 English Study Notes Msomi Maktaba All Notes FORM 1Post navigationPrevious postNext postRelated PostsLesotho ECOL results 2023/24 – here’s direct link to check 2024/2025 February 3, 2024Lesotho ECOL results 2023/2024. Students who appeared for the Lesotho ECOL examination can check their results here we have shared a link to which you can check your Lesotho ECOL results 2023/2024. Read the complete article to know the Lesotho ECOL result date, steps to check the result, supplementary exams,… Read More Form one selection 2024 | 2024/2023 Aucfinder 2024 February 1, 2024Form One Selection 2024 is a special procedure for selecting students who have passed the seventh grade to continue with secondary education in government secondary schools. This selection is done by the National Examinations Council of Tanzania in collaboration with TAMISEMI, and the main criterion used for this selection is… Read More Form 5 General Studies (GS) Study Notes Form 5 General Studies (GS) – DEMOCRATIC PROCESS AND PRACTICES. November 7, 2018February 13, 2019The meaning of the concept The term “democracy” even in a purely descriptive sense, means different things to different people. Much has been debated on what is democracy and democratic value. Since Aristotle formulated the phenomenon called “democracy”, many philosophers have meditated and written about it with the result that… Read More Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment *Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
Lesotho ECOL results 2023/24 – here’s direct link to check 2024/2025 February 3, 2024Lesotho ECOL results 2023/2024. Students who appeared for the Lesotho ECOL examination can check their results here we have shared a link to which you can check your Lesotho ECOL results 2023/2024. Read the complete article to know the Lesotho ECOL result date, steps to check the result, supplementary exams,… Read More
Form one selection 2024 | 2024/2023 Aucfinder 2024 February 1, 2024Form One Selection 2024 is a special procedure for selecting students who have passed the seventh grade to continue with secondary education in government secondary schools. This selection is done by the National Examinations Council of Tanzania in collaboration with TAMISEMI, and the main criterion used for this selection is… Read More
Form 5 General Studies (GS) Study Notes Form 5 General Studies (GS) – DEMOCRATIC PROCESS AND PRACTICES. November 7, 2018February 13, 2019The meaning of the concept The term “democracy” even in a purely descriptive sense, means different things to different people. Much has been debated on what is democracy and democratic value. Since Aristotle formulated the phenomenon called “democracy”, many philosophers have meditated and written about it with the result that… Read More