ADVANCED CHEMISTRY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS – SOLVED PROBLEMS msomimaktaba, November 11, 2018February 13, 2019 Conditions of hydrogen bonding (i) The highly electronegative atom should be small in size(ii) The more electronegative atom must have a lone pair (iii) Hydrogen should be bonded to one of the most electronegative atom N, O, F CO2 is non polar since its dipole moment cancel each other since it is symmetrical. But CO is polar since it has a dipole moment caused by electronegativity difference between carbon and oxygen. Na and K Na has higher Boiling Point since it has stronger metallic bond than K Ca has a small size with high charge (+2) hence high polarizing power to C Thus CaCis more covalent. N has high size with low charge (+1) this results to low p.p to CC– hence NaCl is ionic.1. 9. (a) Give the meaning of second order reaction and derive the units of its rate constant(b) The reaction between Br and B in acidic medium is given by the equation. Br(aq)– + 5B(aq) + 6 (aq) → 3B(l) + O(l) .The following table gives the results of four different experimentsExperiment. No1234Br –Br–H+ rates1.56×10-22.56×10-25.12×10-25.12×10-2 Calculate: (i) Order of reaction with respect to each reactant(ii) The value of rate constant2. 10. (a) Briefly explain the meaning of:(i) Metallurgy(ii) An ore (b) Describe the essential steps used during extraction of tin(Sn) show clearly the reaction equations3. (c) Indicate the structure of monomers and polymerization method which is likely to be used in making of each of the following commercial polymer (d) Describe the preparation of benzanamine benzene(e) Write the chemical equation to show how propanamine reacts with(i) Mixture of trichloromethane and potassium hydroxide(ii) Ethanoic acid(iii) Chloromethane ANSWERS:9.(a) Second order reaction is the reaction in which the rate of reaction is proportional to the Second power of concentration of a single reactantor first powers of concentration of two reactants. (b) Solution:(i) R = K [Br O3–] x [Br–] y [H] 2 = K= 1 = = y y = 1 = = X = = Z = 1, Y = 1, Z = 2 I, 12 (ii) Solution: R = K 1.28×10 –L = K 10. (a) Ore(b) Solution: The ore in which tin is extracted is called cassiterite (Sn) Concentration of ore: Cassiterite is pulverized in ball mills. Magnetic impurities such as Fe and Mn are separated out by magnetic separation while otherimpurities are removed by Wilfley’s table or hydraulic classifier method. This is done in a reverberatory furnace excess supply of air where volatile impurities are given out. Impurities of sulphur and arsenic are volatized away. M + → M M = As, 5bS + → SSmelting: In this process, there is reduction of tin oxide to tin using coal. Temperature should be around 1200 to 1300 But some of the tin oxide will give SnO which will react with silica to form slag Purification:This is done in a chamber with no entrance of oxygen(b) Solution:N N + H N Benzene benzanamine(c) Solution 1. 11. (a) (i) State the partition law (ii) Write down the conditions for the law above to hold(iii) The partition coefficient for iodine between water and C at 20 is 2.43×10-3 .A 100 cm3 sample of solution of iodine in O of conc 1.00×10-3 M is shaken with 10.00 cm3 of C. What fraction of iodine is extracted by C.(b) Define precisely the following terms: (i) Standard molar enthalpy of formation (ii) Heat of solution of a substance(iii) Ionization energy(c) (i) State Hess’s law of constant heat summation(ii) Calculate the standard heat of formation of carbon-monoxide if standard heat of combustion of carbon and carbon monoxide are 393 KJmol-1 and – 285 KJ mol-1 respectively.(iii) Determine the enthalpy change for the isomerization reaction: The heat of formation of OH is = 276 KJ mol-1The heat of combustion of C – O – C is = 1456 kJmol-1The heat of formation of O is =284 KJ mol-1The heat of combustion of carbon is =394 KJ mol-12. 12. (a) Explain the meaning of the following and give one example:(i) Nucleophilic addition reaction(ii) Nucleophilic substitution reaction(iii) Elimination reaction(b) How can you distinguish the following compounds(c) Illustrate the preparation of the following compounds(i) Propanoic acid from ethane (ii) Propan – 2 – ol from propan -1-ol (iii) Propyne from ethyne13.(a) Explain the following with vivid example and relevant chemical equations. (i) Li and Mg are more related chemically than Li and Na although both Li and Na are group I (ii) F is the most oxidizing element of all in the periodic table (iii) Electron affinity of F is unusually low(b) Distinguish between the following:(i) Coordination number and oxidation number(ii) Paramagnetism and ferromagnetism(iii) Strong ligand and weak ligand ANSWERS: ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS:AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVELBAM NOTES A LEVELBASIC MATH O LEVELBIOLOGY O/A LEVELBOOK KEEPING O LEVELCHEMISTRY O/A LEVELCIVICS O LEVELCOMPUTER(ICT) O/A LEVELECONOMICS A LEVELENGLISH O/A LEVELCOMMERCE O/A LEVELACCOUNTING A LEVELGENERAL STUDIES NOTESGEOGRAPGY O/A LEVELHISTORY O/A LEVELKISWAHILI O/A LEVELPHYSICS O/A LEVELMOCK EXAMINATION PAPERSNECTA PAST PAPERS Pages: 1 2 3 Chemistry Study Notes Form 5 Chemistry Study Notes Form 6 Chemistry Study Notes Msomi Maktaba All Notes CHEMISTRYPost navigationPrevious postNext postRelated Posts Msomi Maktaba All Notes Matokeo kidato cha pili 2023 & Darasa la nne 2023 NECTA February 3, 2024Dar es Salaam. The National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) has announced the results of the National Assessment for Form Two (FTNA) as well as the results of the National Assessment for Standard Four (SFNA) today, Sunday, December 7, 2023. Thes results are also known as Matokeo kidato cha pili…Pages: 1 2 3 Read More TCU multiple selection 2022/2023 | TCU multiple selected applicants February 4, 2024TCU multiple selection 2023 is the list of applicants who have been accepted with more than one University or college 2023/2024 academic year (waombaji waliodahiliwa zaidi ya Chuo Kimoja au Programu zaidi ya moja). Applicants with multiple selections/admission are required to confirm their admission to only one university. For more…Pages: 1 2 3 Read More Msomi Maktaba All Notes The e-Wakili Login Process for Tanzanian Legal Professionals February 4, 2024Navigating the e-Wakili login process is essential for legal professionals in Tanzania. 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Msomi Maktaba All Notes Matokeo kidato cha pili 2023 & Darasa la nne 2023 NECTA February 3, 2024Dar es Salaam. The National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) has announced the results of the National Assessment for Form Two (FTNA) as well as the results of the National Assessment for Standard Four (SFNA) today, Sunday, December 7, 2023. Thes results are also known as Matokeo kidato cha pili…Pages: 1 2 3 Read More
TCU multiple selection 2022/2023 | TCU multiple selected applicants February 4, 2024TCU multiple selection 2023 is the list of applicants who have been accepted with more than one University or college 2023/2024 academic year (waombaji waliodahiliwa zaidi ya Chuo Kimoja au Programu zaidi ya moja). Applicants with multiple selections/admission are required to confirm their admission to only one university. For more…Pages: 1 2 3 Read More
Msomi Maktaba All Notes The e-Wakili Login Process for Tanzanian Legal Professionals February 4, 2024Navigating the e-Wakili login process is essential for legal professionals in Tanzania. This online platform, e-Wakili Tanzania, is a critical tool provided by the Judiciary of Tanzania. It manages applications for admission as an advocate, renewals, and other legal applications in accordance with the laws of Tanzania, in Africa to…Pages: 1 2 3 Read More