Form 5 General Studies (GS) – DEMOCRATIC PROCESS AND PRACTICES. msomimaktaba, November 7, 2018February 13, 2019 Local Government in TanzaniaMeaningLocal governments are political and administrative agents through which development of towns, district, municipals and cities can be obtained.Short history of the development of Local Authorities in TanzaniaThe local government system in Tanzania has had a long and chequered history. The early forms of local self-government were based on chiefdoms and sub-chiefdoms, and following colonization, the British local government model of indirect rule was adopted. In the post-colonial era the local government system, starved of resources, was unable to deliver adequate services to the people. In 1972 local governments were abolished in favour of a more centralized system of government (Through the Decentralization by deconce ntration process). Central government and ministries were put in charge of the administration of basic government services at the local level, including primary education and health care. However, the delivery of public services actually deteriorated under this system of feconcetration and local government were re-introduced by the Local government Acts of 1982.While local Government Authorities were technically reintroduced in mainland Tanzania in 1984, the system was a top-down modality and local governments were tightly constrained by central government. In addition local government had lost many of its senior management and technical staff.Central government ministries, through their regional administrative offices, were delegated strong power to continue to direct almost all aspects of the affairs of local government.Structure of Local Government System in TanzaniaThe structure of local government system can be analysed by showing the following interlinked system. Key structure are briefly shown. A detailed analysis of the structure showing how local government structure is linked to the Central Government is also presented.Prime Minister’s office Responsibilities of Prime Minister’s officer include the following.(i) To guide and oversee the delivery of primary education by local Government Authorities (LGAs)(ii) To provide strategic leadership and technical support to council education offices.(iii) To support and build the capacity of Regional Secretariat (RS) and Local Government Authorities.(iv) To ensure that councils prepare consolidated education development plans that conform to government development goals, education policy and assurance standards.(v) To consolidate council plans and budgets into national Plans of action which will provide the basis for the approval and transfer of funds(vi) To collaborate with the Ministry of education and Vocational Training in order to monitor, review and evaluate outputs and outcomes of education plans.(vii) To communicate education information to all system levels and interested stakeholders.(viii) To produce regular financial and physical report to the Ministry of Finance(ix) To collaborate with other agencies in the education sector in planning and specifying national service delivery standards for primary education. (x) To technically support Local government Authorities in planning and implementing primary education programmes in accordance with the national services delivery standards.Regional Secretariats The responsibilities of the Regional secretaraiat include the following:-(i) To carry out periodic internal audits in the Local Government Authorities (LGAs) and school to ensure that performance targets are being met.(ii) To guide, co-ordinate and monitor the delivery of social services(iii) To provide technical support to council officesUrban authorities Town council, municipal council and city council fall under urban authorities. As at present there are twenty five urban council (i.e. five City Councils, seventeen Municipal councils and Four Town councils)City Council Currently there are five cities, namely – Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Arusha, Tanga and Mbeya. Member of the city council are the following:-Structure of the city Council(i) Elect members (Councilors), one from each ward in the city.(ii) Member of parliament representing parliamentary constituencies in the city(iii) National member of parliament (Women) residing in a particular city(iv) Not more than six other members appointed by the Minister responsible for local governments from among the city residents.Municipal Council Municipalities are towns which have a population of over 80,000 residents each.Member of the municipal council are the same as those of town council. The council is headed by a mayor who is assisted by a deputy mayor. Both the mayor and the deputy mayor are elected by member from amongst the elected councilors. Ike a town council, the municipal council has a director who is the chief executive and serves as a Secretary to the council.Town council The Town council is composed of councilors elected from each ward within the town, Member of Parliament representing the constituencies within the town and five member appointed by the Minister responsible for Local Government and the women appointed to the council whose number is not less than one third of Ward representatives and Members of parliament combined.District council A district council is an administrative area corresponding to that of government administration. The district council is composed of the following:-Elected members or councilors, one from each ward in the districtThree members appointed by the minister responsible for local governmentThe member of parliament or (members of the parliament from the constituencies) within the areas of the district.Chairperson of village council elected by the districvt council. Their number is directed not to exceed one-third of the total number of elected councilors. A district council is headed by a chairperson who is assisted by a Vice-chairperson. These two are elected by councilors among themselves. The chief executive of the council is the District Executive Director (DED). This is a government employee, not a political officialResponsibilities of CouncilorsSome of the functions of councilors include the following:-To review periodically progress and performance of development programmes.To direct and control the affairs of their local government authorities ]To make decision in the objectives of their authorities and on the plan to attain them. For instance, approval of by-laws and annual budget. Function of Local Government DirectorsThe director is both the chief executive of the Council and the accounting officer. Therefore:-The director performs the day to day administration of the services carried by the local government authority.The director provides the necessary advice to enable councilor set objectives and decide on the means of attaining them.The directors identify and choose particular problems, and make necessary decision taking into account the view of councilors. The Ward The Minister responsible for Local Government has been mandated to sub-divide the area of every District, Town, Municipality or City Council into Wards, Neighborhoods (Mitaa)-in urban areas or Villages (in rural areas) hamlets or vitongoji.The number and size of the Ward varies Council to council depending on population densities, size of the council are and geographical characteristics of the District, town, Municipality or city in question. The Ward is an administrative and services delivery and for coordinating activities of villages and Neighborhoods within the Ward. There is no elected Council at the Ward level. Instead each Ward has a Ward development Committee, which comprises of:A Councilor representing the Ward in the District or urban Council who is the Chairperson of the CommitteeChairperson of all Villages within the Ward.Chair persons of Neighborhoods in the case of Urban Wards.Women Councilors who occupy special seats reserved for women in the relevant District or Urban Authority resident in the Ward.Invited members who must include persons from Non-Government Organizations and other Civic Group involved in the promotion and development of the Ward (but without voting right ) The function of the Ward Development Committee include:-Promotion, establishment and development of cooperative enterprises and activities within the Ward.Initiation and formulation of any task, venture or enterprises designed to ensure the welfare and well-being of Ward rsidents.Supervision and coordination of the implementation of Council project and programmesPlanning and coordination of activities of, and rendering assistance and advice to the residents of the Ward engaged in any activity or industry of any kind.Formulation and submission to the Village councils or to the District/urban councils of proposals for the making of by-laws in relation to the affairs of the Ward.Monitoring revenue collection.Initiating and promoting participatory development in the WardSupervision of all funds established and entrusted in the WardManaging disaster and environment related activitiesPromotion of gender issues. Where any scheme or programe for the development of the Ward has been approved by the council Chief Executive or by the Village councils concerned, the Ward development committee is required to inform all person within the Ward area about the scheme or programme and the date, time or place upon which the Ward residents will report in order to participate in its implementation.The funds and resources of the Ward development committee consist of such sum as may be determined and appropriated by the district or urban council. 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