Form 4 English – READING LITERARY WORKS msomimaktaba, November 13, 2018February 13, 2019 ANALYSIS OF THE NOVELTITLE: UN ANSWERED CRIESAUTHOR: OSMAN CONTEHSETTING: SIERRA LEONETIME: 2002, place of publications: Macmillan writers prize for AfricaINTRODUCTION“Unanswered cries” is a modern novel where by the author presenting a moving story of Olabisi who is under pressure to be, circumcised in order to realize the reality as a womanAs we reflect the message delivered to us by the author, substantial questions before us are:a) What exactly before us are?b) Is the process safe?c) What are the effects to those who undergo the experience of the knife?d) What are the struggles against the art? COVER OF THE BOOKQuestion: Is the cover relevant to the story?Answer: Yes, the cover is relevant to the story. It portrays the cultural dressing of the women in Sierra Leone and Africa as whole. It also shows how the girl discussed in the book is feeling by showing a fare of oppression, sadness and loss of hope.TITLE OF THE BOOKThe title of the book is DIRECT– It makes a person want to know more about a story of the girl who is seen on the cover, why does she look so sad, oppressed and hopeless. These are questions that would be ringing in a person’s head and can only be answered by flipping open the cover and read what is within the book. STYLES AND TECHNIQUES USEDThe style used by the author includes the following i) point of viewThis is when a writer tells a story in the novel ” Unanswered cries” the writers used the third person point of view to narrate the story about characters.Example: Chapter one (page 5) ” She caught hold of the hem of her films/ skirt”. ” she sat up listening like a dog sensing an intrudes”.ii) Flashback style. Chapter 8, when Dr.Keroma explained about what happened when her daughter underwent circumcision (Pg 72). Chapter 9, the dialogue between Makalay and Oyah reminded Makalay about her past life (Pg 83,84). Chapter 1 Olabisi remembered about circumcision of the baby boy Durusemi,” (Pg 13)iii) Foreshadowing– When Olabisi imagined about what will happen in the court“It was as if she was trying to read the future” Chapter 7 (Pg 51 -52)iv) Conversation style– Conversation between Oyah and Olabisi (Pg 35),Salaam Sesay and Olabisi (Pg 56),Salaam Sesay and Dr. Koroma (Pg 71) and the conversation between Oyah and Yah Posseh (Pg 76) etcArrangement of eventsThe writer arranged events into chapters 1 – 9 whereby each chapter contains a picture which gives information about what is in that chapterCHARACTERIZATION1. OLABISI– Is the main character in the novel.– She is against bad cultural practices (circumcision)– She is nglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>courageous– She is Eddy’s girlfriend2. MAKALAY– Mother of Olabisi– She is conservative she wants Olabisi to be circumcised– She is a primary school teacher– She is Dauda’s wife– She has negative attitudes to her husband– She is humble and caring3. ADE JONES– He is Olabisi’s father and Oyah’s husband– He is against Female Genital Mutilation– He loves Olabisi– He is Caring4. YAH POSSEH– Is the Digba Sowey the head of female circumcision– She is a witch (she believes in superstitions) -She has two daughters– Has two daughter (Salay and Rugiatu)– Feared by people5. EDWARD COLE – He is Olabisi’s boyfriend.– He nglish-swahili/betray” target=”_blank”>betrayed Olabisi.– He taught Olabisi how to protect herself.6. DAUDA– Makalay’s husband.– Olabisi’s step father.– He was strict in his house.7. Dr. Asiatu Koroma– She is professionally a doctor– She is against female genital mutilation– She is responsible in her job8. LANSANA KANU– Is a judge.– Is a fair and nglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>courageous.– Is responsible.– Is strict in his job.9. PAH AMADU– Hunter– A corrupt person10. SALAAM SESAY– Makalay’s lawyer– Supports female genital mutilation– Not civilized.THEMESMAIN THEMESFemale Genital Mutilation. This is the process of cutting a clitoris part of a woman due to tribal beliefs and for the reason of reducing sexual appetite of a woman.In the novel, Olabisi was under pressure of being circumcised by the Bondo women and Makalay (her mother) in order to prove that she becomes a woman but Olabisi was strong and nglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>courageous to go against bad practice because it is an illegal and unsafe activity. Other characters who undergone the process includes Oyah (the lawyer), Dr Asiatu Koroma, Makalay,Yah Posseh, Rugiatu and Salay. OTHER THEMES1. RESPONSIBILITIESThis signifies the situation of being accountable in life. In the novel, the following characters was very accountable in the seminal delivering. Oyah (lawyer) was very responsible to help Olabisi not as her step daughter.Also Lansana Karme (the judge) took full responsibility to judge the case. Apart from these two, also Dr Asiatu Koroma took full responsibility as a doctor to explain the effects of female genital mutilation.2. LOVELove is a strong feeling about somebody or anything in the reflection of respect, tolerance, trust and acceptance. In the novel, we see love emanating in different ways.We can see the love of daughter to mother (Olabisi and Makalay), the love of father and daughter (Olabisis and Ade), also the love of husband and wife (Oyah and Ade Jones).3. POVERTYThis is the state of being unable to obtain basic needs or inability of someone to meet the basic demands like food, clothes and shelter. In the novel, Makalay’s kitchen in the village was made of rusty corrugated iron sheets which could almost fall by the blow of the wind.This can also be portrayed when Salay and Rugiatu were walking bare footed from the well.4. MORAL DECAYThis is the desolation of good morals and people in the society.In the novel, moral decay is shown when Olabisi involved herself in early sexual relationships while she was just fourteen years of age. Also when Olabisi replied back Makalay (her mother) as it was a peer.5. BETRAYALThis is the act of being disloyal to someone who trusts the novel, the situation is experienced by Makalay when she was nglish-swahili/betray” target=”_blank”>betrayed by Pah Amadu and he did not being Olabisi back to Makalay, instead he helped Olabisi to reach the town. Also the nglish-swahili/betray” target=”_blank”>betrayal of Edward Cole to Olabisi by disclosing the secret that he had sex with her.6. CONFLICTSConflict means misunderstanding between two people. The following conflicts are found in novel :- Conflict between Olabisi and Makalay. The source of the conflict was female genital mutilation that is when Makalay forced her daughters to be circumcised but the solution of this conflict was the court whereby Olabisi won the case and she was not circumcised. Conflict between Olabisi and Eddy. The same of this conflict was the nglish-swahili/betray” target=”_blank”>betrayal when Eddy nglish-swahili/betray” target=”_blank”>betrayed Olabisi by disclosing the secret that he had sex with Olabisi the solution was when Olabisi decided to break up the relationship. Conflict between Oyah and Ade Jones. The source of this conflict was unfaithfulness of Ade Jones and the solution was forgiveness and marriage Conflict between Makalay and Ade. This conflict based on who is supposed to make decision to Olabisi about whether she is supposed to be circumcised or not. The solution to this conflict was the court whereby Olabisi was not circumcised. Conflict between Olabisi, Rugiatu and Salay:The source of the conflict was when Olabisi called”agborka”The solution to this was Makalay and Yah Posseh decision to Olabisi that she was supposed to be circumcised. Conflict between Bondo women Vs Olabisi, Oyah and Dr. Asiah The source was female genital mutilation but the solution was court and Olabisi won the case.7. ILLITERACYIn the novel, Yah posseh and most of the Bondo women were blind about the effects of women circumcision so as to become a real woman8. LAZINESSThis is the situation of being unwilling to work.Olabisi was very lazy,she has many dirty clothes like pants, jeans and a tops but she was just keeping them in her bag instead of washing them.9. SUPERSTITIONYah posseh and all Bondo women believed in superstition on beliefs like goats and ancestors, that is why female circumcision to them is compulsory.Example, Yah posseh told Makalay that her daughter Olabisi offended the spirits of their ancestors and gods of their tradition and because of that she was supposed to be circumcised.Also when Yah Posseh told Makalay that if she will obey spirits will make things difficult for her during children (chapter 2 Pg 22).FIGURES OF SPEECH1. PERSONIFICATIONS– The wind her news of an approaching group of singer (Pg 5)– Her hand disappeared into the bag up to the elbow fingers searching for camera (chapter 1 Pg 7)– The mosquitoes were having a party on you and the noise woke me up (Pg 40).The darkness became jumping, threatening to take over the room again if the lamp went out (Pg 32).The moon came out with a smile, shading soft light around her (Pg 31). 2. REPETITION– I……. I was just…… (Pg 28)– Ye………. yes sir (Pg 56)– “Gborika” – said by Makalay many times to Olabisi for the emphasis of circumcision (Pg 11)– Confess was also repeated to show the emphasis that Ade wanted to know the truth that he was the father of Olabisi or not (Pg 49)– She is your mother……….she will always be your mother.This emphasizing Olabisi that Makalay was her mother no matter what (Pg 47) 3. METAPHORS– Eddy the dog and he was making his way towards her (pg 63)– The Bondo tradition is mama Africa (pg 74)– “Death is the enemy who has no respect for people and this privacy” said Yah posseh (Pg 79) 4. HYPERBOLES-Each pot was big enough to boil a cow without breaking its legs (pg 43)-The girls folded their arms across their chests and tried to cook as if they eat rocks everyday (pg 35) 5. PROVERBS-” let the traitor come close for this “(Pg 35) -” Never laugh with your enemy otherwise you might end up friends” (pg 75) -“Do as I say but learn from me” (pg 66) 6. SIMILES– ” She sat up listening like dog sensing an intruder” (Pg 5)– “She scramble across the bed on all fours like a giant crab” (pg 8)– ” Students ran in panic, scattering from brutal police like cock roaches at the flash of the light” (pg 12).-“The rift – ray boys will be after you for sexual fun like dodgers” (pg 12)– “Salary was short and stocky like a well fed big while Rugiatu was tall, skinny and hungry looking like a shaved bird.– “She was black as midnight, with flat eyes like a snake (pg 21)– “Olabisi began to feel like a mouse watching a cat (pg 21)– “The girl thrashed about like a snake caught in a farm trap (Pg 30)– “Rugiatu attached like a mad dog (Pg 36)– “From where she stood it locked as small as a handkerchief (Pg 54)– “Large man, as huge as truck was sitting…. (pg 54)LITERARY ANALYSIS Passed Like a Shadow(NOVEL)Author; Bernard MapangalaSetting: Uganda 2006Summary and themes.Chapter IThis chapter starts with the father who has appeared unexpectedly. He is drink. His children fear him. As soon as he cames in, Atwoki lost his appetite. He tried to avoid his father; unfortunately he bumped into Aboo’ki hence sending the matoke down. In this case Atwoki encountered a classic slap. It indicated that Adyeri did not love his children. This is poor parental care.His children hated him, this hatred.The position of women has been reflected. Amoti was seriously beaten by Adyeri. She was trying to defend Atwoki. She cried uwii, uwii. In this regard, Amoti represents women as the oppressed gender. However, she is brave because she spoke her mind.Lastly we see that Adyeri did not sleep at home that evening. He had another woman. This is nglish-swahili/betray” target=”_blank”>betrayal.Chapter IIThis chapter is centered on Vicky. It is portraying Vicky’s previous and current life. Poor customs are reflected in which we see that Vicky is sent or exiled Kaitangwenda as she was seen riding a bicycle (It is a taboo for a girl to ride a bicycle in Torro).In this chapter, it is shown that Vicky is an orphan. Her mother died so she had to live with Adyeri’s Family. Conflict and hatred are reflected as Adyeri hates or dislike Vicky. She considers her, as an additional burden to their family.On the other side we see Vicky coming with Akena. She introduced him as a man who wanted to marry her. Amoti protests because she is jealousy that Vicky will get married to a man who owns garage. Adyeri settles the matter and tell Akena to come on the other day for arrangement of bride price.Chapter 3This chapter is centered on Atwoki’s fame. He is good in football as well as academically. Atwoki is ambitious and social. He wants to be a soldier. Other boys are also prophesying their future.Also we are shown the difference between Atwoki and Abooki was quiet and meditative. Atwoki was busy, ting and always came home exhausted.Love and care are shown in this chapter. Amoti did mot beat her children when they came home late, she warned them. Position of women is reflected through Abooki. After school hours Abooki was response to prepare evening meal at home. The narrator says the little girl Abooki was overworked. In this chapter we are also introduced to uncle Araali. He likes children and appreciates their skills. This is love and care.Lastly we see that Adyeri is irresponsible. This irresponsibility comes about do to the fact that Adyeri did not leave any money. Yet he came home drink. This is also alcoholism which leads to irresponsibility. Fortunately uncle Araali had brought bunches of Matoke and fish. He also gave money to children purchase firewood.Chapter 4It is opened up with Tusiime, Vicky and Kunchira console for having missed a husband because of a greedy uncle. He fixed a high bride price. This is poor traditional customs.It is also indicated that Vicky was to send Bondibugyo to work as a tea plucker. She did not get any money from her sweat. All her wages had been prepaid to Amoti so that, she could pay for her childrean’s school fees. This is oppression.Also Tusiime and Kunchira inform Vicky that Adyeri has another woman. Tusiime says that there is too much cheating in marriage. This is dishonesty.Prostitution is reflected through Tusiime who said that she could sleep with any man to make money.Furthermore, the narrator reflects that Tusiime and Kinchira were not good girls both had been worst product of port Fortal secondary education. Tusiime had been a ring leader that led in the burning of the school’s matlesses at Maria Goret Secondary school. Kunchira was discontinued from Kyebambe Secondary School.Influence of peer pressure is shown on Vicky. She was abused by Tusiime and Kunchira to find boyfriend the accepted and changed in her behavior.Self limitation and poverty are reflected through Adyeri could not stop Vicky from her behavior because she brought his crates beer and cartons of hard drinks.One day Adyeri aerated Vicky’s jugardaddy. This led to the conflict between Vicky and Adyeri. At the end Vicky left the house and never came back.Chapter 5This chapter starts with Adyeri in the Hall of Kinyanasika Primary School. It was a parent’s day and he was invited as a pioneer teacher of the school.This chapter shows adyeri suffering. He gave out heavy cagh which sent all the eyes in his direction. His confidence was gone. His body had lost more than 20 pounds in less than a year. He had frequent fever and vomiting. His hair had become sparse and grey. His vibrant color gad gone. These are symptoms of HIV/AIDS.Standard five pupils performed a song. It started that those who die without doing something important pass like a shadow.This song hit Adyeri because he spent his life carelessly. On the other hand, the flash back on Adyers previous life is given. He was a headmaster of Sit. Led high school. He fell in love with his secretary Biringi. This is nglish-swahili/betray” target=”_blank”>betrayal to his wife. We are also informed that he misused his position by squandering the school funds build a house for Biringi in Birungi and This is corruption.Adyeri was sacked as the headmaster after the news leaked cot on his misconduct. He spent most of the time drinking. (This is alcoholism) Later on, he sold a half of his inherited land. (This indicated irresponsibility he moved completely to Biringi’s home and financed her new shop at Muguso trading center. This is nglish-swahili/betray” target=”_blank”>betrayal to his family.Oppression is reflected in this chapter Adyeri was rarely seen at home; when Amoti complained she encountered ritual beating.Love, care and generosity are reflected through Uncle Araali. He helped to pay the children’s school fees.Effects of poor parental care are reflected in this chapter. He built a house for her mother in Katamba.Lastly we are shown the theme Betrayal. Birungi nglish-swahili/betray” target=”_blank”>betrayed Adyeri first; she rejected him when he was admitted at the hospital. Then she chased him away when he went to her house asking for help, and insulted him as a poor miserdlems.Chapter 6It is entered on Atwork’s success. He was a good footballer. He helped Uganda national team to dinch Africa cop of Nations. The president offered him a brand new car. In addition to that we are informed that he had finished form six.Quarrels between parents alienated Atwoki from his father. They met rarely ending bumping into each other. This reflects conflicts.Ignorance is reflected through Amoti. She is ignorant of HIV/AIDS. She thinks that her husband has been bewitched. She is happy that her husband is punished for what he did in the past.She does not know that her husband is HIV positive and being that the case, she is also HIV positive.Conflict and vengeance are reflected. Amoti rejected to attend her husband, as he was alone suffering in the house. Also we see that the villagers brought her dying husband in her house. She did not like what they did. It shown that inwardly she blamed the villagers for that action.Chapter 7This chapter is in centered on the visit of Atwoki to his friend (David) in knife. Peer pressure is reflected through David. He advised Atwoki to find girl friends. He told him that, it is written in the bible that we have to enjoy fruits of the earth.Ignorance is shown through David. He said that he could tell a safe girl from HIV/AIDS with just a glance. Moreover he added that the girls who are working in big offices cannot acquire slim (HIV/AIDS)Later on we are introduced. Edda. She gave Atwoki a public kiss. Also we are introduced to David’s family. David’s father is rich and important man in both government and in Kabaka’s council.Poor ways of upbringing children are reflected in this chapter. Also it is known as lack of standing manners. In first of sexual scenes. David liked this because he naked women. On the table was a pile of ponographic magazines written JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST AIDS WE CONDOMS.Isolation and discrimination are reflected in this chapter. These are exposed as David’s father was watching a television programme on HIV/AIDS. An AIDS victim was narrating his case………. My legs are failing to carry my body. All my friends have run away from me. Even my relatives detect me. (Need somebody who can hold my hand)Ignorance is reflected as Atwoki wanted to know if condoms are 100% safe.Betrayal, Dishonest and Moral corruption, are reflected in this chapter when they were at the Sheraton, they were joined by the ladies. David said that his father is good at selecting girls.On the other hand we are given David’s previous life. He was a university dropout (Makevene onwersity)Bad company or Influence of peer pressure is reflected as Atwoki was influence by David to take or drink beer. We see that he fell in love with Edda. He spent the rights with her in David’s home. In this case due to bad company Atwoki changed. The narrator says “The fortal portal bullet has been concerned it we will never be the same for AtwokiChapter 8It starts with Vicky who is now married to Aliganyira. In this chapter we are introduced to Aliganyire. He is rich because he had tricks with cross- crossed Uganda and Zaire ferrying coffee and other smuggled products. This pat rays corruption.On the other side we are informed that, Aliganyira had married twice and divorced. In both cases were young girls of around fourteen years. He successfully sent them away after they had given him children. He is womanizer. In this case women are oppressed hence Oppression.Opportunism reflected as Aliganyira said that the hungry government officer wants him to buy a wheat farm for him. This shows that the government officer use their position to get what they wants. This symbolizes corruption in form of bribers.Witchcraft as one of the traditional beliefs has been reflected. Vicky is barren, so Aliganyira proposed that they have to see the witchdoctors.Oppression is reflected among Aliganyira’s relatives, especially his mother. She said that if Vicky cannot conceive and produce a body. Aliganyira should send her away.Ignorance is also reflected. The people who are suffering HIV/AIDS care to be treated by witchdoctor. It is seen as Vicky and her husband arrived armed in the witchdoctor’s compound, they saw six people, two of them very thin and had rashes.Ignorance is further reflected through Aliganyira and the witchdoctor who supported the idea of sharing sharp instruments. The witchdoctor used the same knife that had been used on, most sick people that day to prick Vicky’s stomatch. In this way Vicky contracted HIV/AIDS.Chapter 9 Adyeri passed away few months ago. In this chapter we are informed on the death of Adyeri, and how his drinking mates moved him. Some said that, he used to drink too much; others said he was good at dealing with ladies.Also we are informed that Amoti too has acquired a new disease (Slim). Another drink reported that Atwoki was a womanizer in Kampala.Ignorance is reflected among drunkards. One of them said that Atwoki cannot contract HIV/AIDS because he is educated. He said that he knows how to do things in a right way. Also we see Tonto asking a question if Bazunge which die of HIV/AIDS. Filipo who symbolize awareness answered that, even if the Bazungu dies of HIV/AIDS.On the other side we see that the drunkards are arguing on the origin of HIV/AIDS some of them said it emanated from green monkeys in Zaire while the other one said it was manufactured in genetic Laboratory in Califonia.Filipo commented that the problem with HIV/AIDS is where it is going. There discussion connotes Ignorance and confusion people have on HIV/AIDS.Back in Katamba Abooki is busy, alone nursing her sick mother Amoti who is HIV positive.Also we are shown that Atwoki has changed, Atwoki has forgotten and ignored her sick mother and his sister. He didn’t senel anymore in fact he dedicated most of his time to a certain lady in kampala. He abandoned his mother at the time she needed him most. This is nglish-swahili/betray” target=”_blank”>betrayal he is like his father.Poverty is reflected in this chapter. Amoti is very sick but there is no money in the house. Abooki had to go to Vicky to ask some money.In this chapter another tragedy is reflected. Vicky is also HIV positive Vicky advised Abook that she should not love a man because of money.Generasity is reflected through Vicky who gave Abooki enough money to help her sick mother.Lastly, Betrayal and dishonest are depicted as John who was Abooki friend raped her. He dropped a Valium tablet in her coke. She drunk to and lost her consciousness. Chapter 10Lacks of piece and restlessness have occupied Abooki she is not at ease. She doubts that she is either pregnant or HIV positive. She lost her weight a person cannot be infected by shaving meals, shaking hands, using same containers for bathing or simply touching the sick people. The only solution is to cover deep wounds, he added.Moreover he said that HIV is transmitted through sexual intercourse and blood transfusion.After two weeks Abooki went for her HIV test results. She found that she was HIV negative also she was not pregnant. In her family she was the only spared.Jonathan told her that the only protection guarantee from HIV/AIDS is to Abstain for unmarried people and mutual love among married couple buried. He is also HIV positive. Also David’s father, David’s mother and the house girl in Building future. He is no longer the fortal portal bullet.Lastly, we see forgiveness as Uncle Araali has forgiven Atwoki as Atwoki forgot him in his good times. Uncle Araali accepted both Atwoki and Abooki. They went to stay with him as they lost their parents.Love is shown between Abooki and Jonathan. 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