Form 4 English – READING LITERARY WORKS msomimaktaba, November 13, 2018February 13, 2019 ANALYSIS OF THE NOVEL : “THE INTERVIEW” Author : Patrick M. Ngugi Setting : “Kenya 2002” SUMMARYJoe wakes up and takes a bath. He is going for the interview. He wants to get a job as the assistant laboratory technician. He wants money to redeem or pay for his form four certificates. He owed 40,000/= to the Nairobi central academy. His brother and guardian could not clear this remaining school fees arrears. Joe arrives at the stage and finds many passengers waiting for Matatu(buses for city pasangers). Previously, we are given the flashback of Joe’s life. Joe’s parents were killed in war (tribal cleansing) in Vasin Gishu. So, Joe his brother David and his sister,Lucy, Ndita and Marry had to live with their uncle Jothan. Their home was completes destroyed and new houses were built . Then, suddenly, the Matatu arrives at the very fantastic speed. It knocked the old woman who was mentally disturbed but Joe had dived and pulled her off the road. He saved her from being run over (full impact) Then, Joe dialed the police through the telephone both across the road. He gave first aid to the old cucu. The police and the ambulance arrived. Joe as was asked by the policewoman to go to the police station to make or give the statement of the accident. He is afraid that he will be late for the interview. CHAPTER 2 Joe enter the ambulance. He is going to give the statement of the accident. In the ambulance he meets Freddie Mwasi, the medic Joe is worried because he will miss the interview. Freddie thank him for having dialed the police.Joe and policewoman enter into the reporting room at police post. The policewoman is a the officer commanding station, chief inspector. Joe gives his statement (narrated what happened during the accident|)Then, the policewoman orders constable Kilonzo to get a car and take Joe where he wants to go (to the interview). Before leaving, Joe saw Freddie, the medic and they go together to see how the old woman is doing.. The old woman is unconscious and Joe leaves for the interview.Kilonzo is driving carelessly.On the way to interview Joe is pondering on the interview and about the old woman.Then they arrive at the impressive city soap industries building. CHAPTER 3 Joe enters the city soap industries building. He meets the receptionist who is reading a novel titled Malindi affair. The receptionist direct him to Mr. Daniel Kung’us office. However we see that this receptionist reminds him of Gladwell who was also fond of reading novels. She was her fellow school mate and he loved her He entered in Mr. Kungus office and found many interviews. The secretary wonders why he is told to go and come back at 11:30 for the interview. As he is leaving the room Gladwell comes running at him, they talk and agree to meet later.Joe comes back at 11:30 and meets Mr. Daniel kung’us He tells him that he cannot hire him because he is late. He has failed the interview because he was late for his interview. He tries to explain the reason for his lateness. He is told to leave his result slip and a letter of application. Joe is angry and unhappy. He goes to his brother’s workplace to give him this sad news.CHAPTER 4 It start with David telling or giving Joe hope that he will get another job. David also has hope that may be a better position is waiting for him somewhere. Also, Joe tells David he has met Gladwell.Gladwell and Joe meet at the silver moon restaurant. They talk about the dealth of Gladwell’s sister who dued of TB. They also talk about the interview and the old cucu. Their meeting ends abruptly as Gladwell asks Joe about the street people who get accident and die buried. Joe responds that they are buried in mass graves, this fact depresses him, as he thinks of old woman to be buried in a mass graves. He stops talking and soon they say goodbye to each other. Joe goes to the hospital where he finds the old woman still unconscious.CHAPTER 5 Joe went to bed early, but he couldn’t sleep. He is restless. He has a psychological torture. He has the memory of the old woman being knocked and dragged by Matatu. He got up and went to eatt rice and stew which had been prepared by their sister Lucy. He switched on lights and put on the TV and watched CNN for few minutes.The TV announcer was featuring new finding about HIV/ AIDS virus and about the new vaccine that was going on trial. Then David also woke up and told him that he had found him a job at national librar.The next morning Joe went to the library and met Julius Kineu chief librarian. He was on old schoolmate of Divid. He started to work on the same day. At 4:15 pm Joe went to the hospital to see old cucu outside the hospital he founds many people staring at something on the pavement. Freddie, the medic told him that someone has killed himself. He was an HIV/ AIDS victim. He flung from eighth floor. Them they went to see the old woman. They meet doctor Ochieng who said that the old woman was fit as the fiddle but she had Amnesia ( loss of memory). CHAPTER 6 Joe met the old woman (cucu) and Dr Ocheng introducd him to her that he saved her and brought her to hospital.. She was sitting on the bed. She woke up and hugged him. The old woman want to be released but Doctor Ochieng says that they have to trace her home first. She agrees on the condition that Joe should insisting her.Joe left and went to see Gladwell at St Bernadette church choir in Umoja. Before Joe went to see Gladwell, we saw on Ochieng tells Joe that HIV/ ADS victim who killed himself was pester, he warned him that it can get anyone. He also told him that they only ways to avoid HIV/AIDS is to remain single until he gets married or use condom.Then, Joe arrived at St Bernadette and saw Gladwell. Gladwell is surprised by the bond that has developed between Joe and old cucu, as he told her that he wants to find her home and her relatives . After the choir practice they left, and Gladwell told him that her sister Georgina also died of HIV/AIDS. CHAPTER 7 It starts with Joe and David.David is discouraging Joe when he said that he is going to trace cucu home. Because of David’s disnglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>couragement the next day he did not visit the old cucu. The day after he wentt to see her, she was disappointed when he did not show up the previous day. She thinks that Joe has come to collect her, But Dr Ochieng insists that she must be discharged first.As they are talking suddenly the old cucu mentions Kariobangi, but she forget immediately that has mentioned the place as home. When Dr. Ochieng is told, he says the old cucu is getting back the flashes of her memory. She is given another twenty four hours to recover for Amnesia.The next morning Joe received Gladwell’s all that she got a Job at the city soap industries. An hour later, he decided to persue the past newspaper and when he turned at the page of notices and death announcement, he saw the picture of old cucu, below it there was a caption which explained that she went missing and a reward of 100,000/= would be given to whoever helps in locating her. There was also eh telephone number of her son Johnson Njogu CHAPTER 8 Joe ran to the receptionist and gave mercy Mr Njogu’s telephone number to dial at Njogu’s house. He was given Njogu’s direct number by a girl, as Njogu was not at home. He called Mrs Njogu and told him that he know where his missing mother was. Njogu did not believe him. He thinks that he was after money. He banged a phone down. Joe did not give up. He dialed again and told him that his mother was in ward three at the national hospital and this time Joe banged the phone down on him.Then at 3:30 Gladwell arrived and they went to see if Mr Njogu had come to collect his mother. Unfortunately he had not come. At 5:30, Joe and Gladwell left disappointed and dejected becauseMr Njogu did not show up.When reached home in the evenig he gave David a story about Njogu and David told him that there is only one Njogu who is billionaire. CHAPTER 9 It starts with Joe thinking how Mr. Njogu is lucky, he is rich and he has a mother while he (Joe) lost his parents at ten. They were killed in a tribal war over land. Therefore Joe, David, Mary and Lucy had to live with uncle Jotham.Lucy is now a student (19) at city polytechnic and Mary’s a nurse (22) at Nairobi metropolisis hospital. He had not seen his grandparents, their mother, Nancy Mwashaki and father Bernard Kibe.Tthe next day in the evening he went with Gladwell to the hospital and found that the old cucu had been taken by her son Johnson Njogu. He is disappointed that he had not been informed. He has psychological torture.CHAPTER 10 Joe did not eat for two days. He is depressed because they took the old cucu without informing him. He was a possessed man. He could not speak to anyone. Later in Joe was told that someone wanted to see him. Tony, Njogu’s son told him that he had been sent by his father to collect him. He was takes by Tony to Njogu’s house. The car carried him was a Peugeot 604, very expressive and luxurious. Joe was mesmerized by the stately mansions behind elegant gates. Then they arrived.CHAPTER 11 Joe was led into the living room of Johnson Njogu.There were expensive terms which displayed affluence. The thick maroon wall to wall carpe,t the glass coffee table, the three or four crystal chandeliers, 36 inch TV, video and hi -fi equipment all displayed wealth.Joe was given a juice brought by the house girl. Then Njogu and his wife came in. They greeted Joe. Joe told the history how he found the old cucu. The old cucu also came and hugged Joe. Also Daniel Kung’u (uncle Dan) who is Njogu’s cousin came in. He was coming from Mombasa for a trip.Njogu offers 240,000/= a job at main plant of elephant group of companies to Joe. Also Joe remembers Mr. Daniel Kungu as the personnel manager at city soap industries who denied him the interview as he arrived late.Also, in this family reunion as the main theme of this novel is reflected through Joe and old cucu. The old cucu discovers that Joe is her grandson. Therefore Njougu is paternal uncle of Joe.Later on Njogu tells a story that he got a scholarship to America . He stayed there for a long time. He felt homesick for having abandoned home. He came back with his wife Miriam and his children. He could not see his relatives as they had been displaced. He found the old cucu (his mother) at Laema camp and she couldn’t remember anything.she had lost her memory. Then they took her under their care, but unfortunately a year ago she disappeared, until Joe found her. Lastly David comes in.CHAPTER 12 David and Joe taking break. Joe says that he will pay 40,000/= to Nairobi central academy to redeem his form four certificate. He will deposit the difference in the bank. He will open the bank account. Joe says this as he show David the cheque of 240,000 /=given by Njogu for finding old cucu.Then Joe, David ,Gladwell, Lucy and Marry go to Njogu’s house. Njogu had decided that there should be an impropty party for family reunion. All of them sing and dance. There is Njogu, Miriam, old cucu, Joyce, Tony, Joe ,David ,Mary, Lucy and Gladwell. The old cucu is happy. This is family reunion. THEMES IN THE NOVEL “THE INTERVIEW”1. Poverty David and Joe are poor. They can not pay 40,000/= school fees arrears to the Nairobi central academy. So Joe owed the school that amount. He could not be presented with his form four four certificate. On the other hand we see many people waiting for the Matatu to arrive at the bus stop. The narrator says that always people had to scramble for seats. This is also poverty. 2. Conflicts and tribal wars Joe’s parents ,Nancy Mwihaki and Bernard Kibe were killed in a tribal conflict in Vasin Gishi district. It was a conflict over the land.3. Kindness and generosity Joe dived and pulled the old woman from the fast speeding Matatu. So the Matatu did not run over her (or crush). He saved her from the full impact.Kindness is also shown as Joe called the police and went to visit the old cucu in the hospital. He brought her some oranges. He was also determined to find her relatives. He did not want the old cucu to go back to the street. This also shows love and care.4.Commitment and responsibility The police arrived at the place where the accident happened immediately.They took Joe to record the statement of the accident. The policewoman also ordered Killonzo to take Joe to the interview. Doctor Ochieng, Nurse Mildred and Freddie Mwasi (the medic) were also responsible. They are attending and examining the old cucu carefully.5. Modernity The huge impressive city soap industries building reflects modernity. Also the interview, the employment, the library, the police, the hospital, the doctor, the nurse, the bank, the cheque, school fees, school, Matatu, scholarship, novels, CNN, the city, industries, all these show modernity. 6. Carelessness and responsibility Constable Kilonzo is driving carelessly. He is also sleeping at the work.7. Disappointment Joe is disappointed as he could not be interviewed. He was late for the interview. Disappointment is also reflected as Njogu could not believe that Joe knew the where abouts of his mother. It is further shown when Njogu collected the old cucu at the hospital without informing Joe. Joe could not eat for 2 days.8. Hope David ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>courages his brother that he will get another job.9. Diseases HIV/ AIDS and TB are reflected through Georgina.10. Death Georgina died of HIV/ AIDS. Also Joe’s parents were killed in Vasin Gishu district due to ethnic classes overland.11. Nepotism Joe got the job at the library because the chief librarian was David’s old school mate. He was not even interviewed.12. Disnglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>couragement David disnglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>couraged Joe when he wanted to find cucu’s home and relatives.13. Frustration and lack of hope The HIV/ AIDS victim who flung from the eighth floor and killed himself. This is the pastor. Also the old cucu was frustrated when her husband was killed in a tribal war.14. Wealth Johnson Njogu is a wealthy man. He is rich. It is reflected through expensive car that picked Joe at the national library. Expensive items in his house, 36 inches TV ,thick maroon wall to wall carpet, glass coffee table, video hi-fi equipment, photocopies machine along with other valuable items. He is also the owner of elephant group of companies.15. Classes There are stately mansion where Johnson Njogu lived. Joe had only seen on the TV. 16. Family reunion It is reflected when the old cucu discovered that she is Joe’s paternal grandmother .Johnson Njogu is Joe’s and David’s paternal uncle. Family reunion is further reflected through the impropty party where we see Njogu, old cucu , Miriam, Tony, Joyce ,David ,Joe, Marry and Lucy are celebrating family union. 17. Formal education It is shown as the basic requirement for survival. Joe had to pay 40,000/= school fees arrears to get his form four certificate. This could enables him go to college or get a job. Johnson Njogu got a scholarship in USA and when he came back he became the richest person on the land. Lucy Mary also had to go to school in order to get a job. 18. Position of women Women have been reflected as educated like Gladwell, Miriam, the police woman, Lucy, Marry and Mildred.The policewoman Margareth Kinyua is the officer commanding station, chief inspector. She represents that women can do tough jobs and also can fulfill high ranks responsibilities .Questions on Novel1. “It is high time we looked back into our cultural aspects for the purpose of modifying them” Do we need to modify our culture? Use two novels to support your answers.2. From two novels you have done under this section, choose two characters, one from each novel and examine in details how they have been affected by the conflicts in their societies.3. Mother play important roles both to their children and to their societies. Use two text you have read to show these mother’s roles.4.Choose two characters from two novels you have done and explain their positive contributions to their societies.5. Take two female characters each from one novel you have done and show how they resemble and differ from each other in various aspects.6. Many writers have portrayed women as importance as equally men in society. Discuss this with reference to any two novels you done.7. Choose two characters from two novels you’ve read and show how their personalities and efforts to bring changes in their societies ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS:AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVELBAM NOTES A LEVELBASIC MATH O LEVELBIOLOGY O/A LEVELBOOK KEEPING O LEVELCHEMISTRY O/A LEVELCIVICS O LEVELCOMPUTER(ICT) O/A LEVELECONOMICS A LEVELENGLISH O/A LEVELCOMMERCE O/A LEVELACCOUNTING A LEVELGENERAL STUDIES NOTESGEOGRAPGY O/A LEVELHISTORY O/A LEVELKISWAHILI O/A LEVELPHYSICS O/A LEVELMOCK EXAMINATION PAPERSNECTA PAST PAPERS Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 English Language Study Notes English Study Notes Form 4 English Study Notes Msomi Maktaba All Notes FORM 4HistoryPost navigationPrevious postNext postRelated PostsMit Acceptance Rate February 4, 2024Getting into the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is no easy feat. 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Mit Acceptance Rate February 4, 2024Getting into the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is no easy feat. It’s a dream for many aspiring engineers, scientists, and entrepreneurs around the world, but it’s also known for its notoriously low acceptance rate. You might be wondering just how difficult it is to become part of this…Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Read More