PHYSICS FORM ONE TOPIC 7: PRESSURE msomimaktaba, November 6, 2018February 13, 2019 Concept of PressureThe Concept of PressureExplain the concept of pressurePressure is defined as the force per unit area. OR Pressure is the force acting normally (perpendicularly) per unit surface area.It is calculated by the formula:Pressure = Force (f)/Area (A)P = F/AWhereP – PressureF – ForceA – AreaThe S.I Unit of PressureState the S.I unit of pressureThe SI unit of Pressure is Newton per square metre (N/M2). This unit is usually referred to as the Pascal (Pa).1Pa = 1 N/M2The other units of pressure are atmosphere, torr bar and mmHg.1 atmosphere = 780mmHg1 atmosphere = 1 105 N/M2 = 1bar (used by meteorologists)Note: for a given amount of force, the smaller the area of application the greater the pressure exerted.When a man lifts a bucket of water by its handle that is made with a thin metal, he would experience some discomfort but if the bucket was made with a thicker handle the discomfort will be much less if any.This is because the area over which the force is applied is larger.Pressure due to SolidsDependence of Pressure on Surface of Contact Explain dependence of pressure on surface of contactThe pressure in solid depends on the surface area of contact. A force (F) applied onto a small area exerts a higher pressure as compared to when it is applied onto a large surface.Pressure in solid = Force applied/Area of contact.Example 1A block of wood that weighs 30N and measures 5m by 10m by 4m. If it was placed on a table with the largest possible area (5mx10m) in contact with table, exerts less pressure than it would when placed with its smallest possible area (5mx4m) in contact with table.SolutionData:Force = 30NLargest base area = ?AL = 10mx5m = 50m2P = F/A = 30N = 0.6N/30m2Pressure = 0.6N/m2Force (F) = 30N.Small base are = ?As = 5mx4mAs = 20m2P= F/A = 30N/20M2 = 1.5 N/M2Pressure = 1.5 N/M2Example 2A tip of needle has a cross- sectional area of 1×106m2. If doctor applies a force of 2N to a syringe that is connected to the needle, what is pressure is exerted at the tip of the needle?Soln:Data:Area (A) = 1×106m2Force (F) = 20NPressure =?P = F/AP = 20 = 2.0×107 N/M2The pressure extended by the needle lip is 2.0×107N/m2Example 3A rectangle metal block with sides 105m by 1.0m by 1.2m rests on a horizontal surface. If the density of the metal is 7000kg/m3. Calculate the maximum and minimum pressure that the block can exerts on the surface.(Take the weight of 1kg mass to be 10N)Solution:Data:Dimension = 1.2m,1.5m,1.0m.Density = 7000kg/m3Maximum pressure (Pmx) = ?Minimum pressure (Pmn) = ?Volume = 1.2×1.5×1=18m3Density = mass/ Volume7000kg/m3 = mass/18 Mass = 7000×18 = 126000Kg1kg = 10N126000Kg = ?F = 1260000 = 1.26 x 106Force of metal = 1.26 x 106A1 = 1.2 x 1.5= 18m2A2= 1.2m2= 1.2mx1m=1.2m2A3= 1.5 x 1m= 1.5m2Amx = 18m2Amin = 102m2Pmn = F/Amx =1.26 x 106N/18M2 = 1.26X106/1.8 X101Maximum pressure = 1.05×106N/m2/maximum pressure= 0.7×105N/m2The Applications of Pressure due to SolidsIdentify the applications of pressure due to solidsIt is used to make different objects like screw, nails, pins, spears and arrows. This item is given sharp points to increase their penetrating power.It helps some of living organisms for self-defence. A fish uses its sharp fins to protect itself.When one walks on shoes with sharp pointed heels they exert greater pressure on the ground than when wearing flat shoes.It helps in construction of railways. During the constructions of railways, wide wooden or concrete sleepers are placed below the railways tracks. This provides a larger surface area over which the weight of the train acts. This is a safety measure to train tracks.Buildings are constructed with wide foundations to ensure that the weight of the building acts over the layer area.Pressure in LiquidsA liquid will exert pressure on an immersed object as well as on the walls of the container holding it. Note that the pressure exerted by liquids is due to the weight of the liquid. Also increase in water level in liquid cause increase in pressure.The Characteristics of Pressure in LiquidsDescribe the characteristics of pressure in liquidsNote: Pressure in liquids =Force/AreaBut force= hApg/A=HsgHence pressure in liquids is given as hsg.H= Height of the liquid columnA= Area of the baseThe pressure at any point in a liquid at rest then dependsDepthDensity of liquidNote: It does not defend on the areaPressure in liquids is characterized using the following parametersPressure in a liquid increase with depthPressure in a liquid acts equally in all directorsPressure in a liquid increases with increase in density of the liquid.Mercury exerts more pressure than an equal volume of water. This because mercury is denser than water.The Variation of Pressure with Depth in LiquidsExamine the variation of pressure with depth in liquidsDemonstration of water spurting from holes at different heights.As pressure at point A is low due to small height of water above it but at point B the height increase and the distance of water increase while at point C the height is greatest therefore the level of water distance will be large distance.Demonstration of pressure in a communicating vesselThe shape of vessel found in point A, B, C and D is different but the pressure is the same due to the equal height (L) of the liquid above the points.Problems Involving Pressure in LiquidsSolve problems involving Pressure in LiquidsExample 4A cube of side 2cm is completely submerged in water so that the bottom of the cube is at a depth of 10cm. use g=10m/s2 and s=1000kg/m3What is different between the pressure on the bottom of the cable and the pressure on its tap?Determine the difference in the force on the top and bottom.What is the weight of the water displaced by the cube?Solution;Data.Depth = 10cm = 0.1ms = 1000kg/m3g = 10m/sh= 8cm= 0.08formularp= sghp=1000kg/m3x10m/s2x0.1m=1000N/m2At the h= 0.08m p= 1000x10x0.08= 800N/m2Change in pressure = 1000N/m =200N/m2So that different in pressure between the bottom the top is 200N/m2Pressure = Force/Area = P= F/AArea =L2= (10.02)2= 0.0004m2Distance in water 200N/m2x0.0004m2This is the upthrust acting on the cubeWater displaced by the cube in weight= volume of the cubeVolume = l3 (2cm) 3 = 8cm3For water, 1cm3= 1g 50.8cm3 = 8gWeight of displaced watermass of displaced water/100=8g = 0.08NExample 5Calculate the pressure at the bottom of tank of water 15m deep due to the water above it is (s=1000kg/m3).Solution:Data:Height =15mS=1000kg/m3g= 10m/s2FormulaPressure in liquid sgh= 1000x10x15=150000N/M2The Principle of a Hydraulic PressureExplain the principle of a hydraulic pressureIt state that “Any external pressure applied to the surface of an enclosed liquid will be transmitted equally throughout liquid.”Illustration of Pascal’s Principle.Note: in all side of vessel will experience equal pressure.The hydraulic press works on Pascal’s principle, when using this principle a small force converted into a large force and vice versa.From Pascal’s PrincipleNote: The distance moved (d) is inversely proportional to the cross sectional area.Example 6The pistons of a hydraulic press have their areas given as 3.0x10-4m2 and 2×102m2 respectively. If the smaller piston is pushed down with a force of 12N, what is the force required to push the larger piston?Soln:Data:F1 = 120N, A2= 2X102m2A2 = 3X104m2Application of Hydraulic PressMeasure pressure of a liquidHydraulic press is used in industries to express bulk items.Hydraulic brake systemWhen pressure is applied to the brake pedal, it pushes the piston in the master cylinder forward creating a pressure in the brake fluid. This pressure is transferred to the slave cylinders where it is multiplied and pushes the brake shoes against the brake dram that is attached to the wheel of the vehicle.It is used in industries in the forming of metals.Since the hydraulic press act like a lift, it is used for lifting heavy loads.Measuring the pressure of liquids using a manometer. Manometer is the device for measuring pressure (commonly gas).Atmospheric PressureThe Existence of Atmospheric PressureDescribe the existence of atmospheric pressureAtmospheric pressure is as a result of the weight of this layer of gases, the act at atmospheric pressure is surrounded the layer of air consisting of a mixture of gases.Note. The atmospheric pressure on the earth’s surface and objects on the earth is a approximately 1.01×105N/m2.The experiment which demonstrate the existence of atmospheric pressure.Umbler experimentWhen you fill a glass timber with cord and gentle turned upside down. It will be seen that water will not poured down.PlungerPulling the plunger is not easy. This is so because all the air is squeezed out from the table when the surrounding pressure being high the plunger sticks.Crushed bottleWhen putting hot water in, the bottle is cooled under cold water the steam condenses; leaving partial vacuum inside the bottle consequently the greater atmospheric pressure outside the bottle crushes it in wards.Applications of Atmospheric PressureIdentify the applications of atmospheric pressureA siphonA siphon is applied in areas and devices that we use everydayIt is used in the toilet flushing cisterns (chain and ball tank). The flush is triggered by a handle that operates a simple diaphragm like piston pump that lifts enough water.It is used in special rain gauges called siphon rain gauge which are able to automatically drain out excess water.A siphon cup is a reservoir attached to a gum.It is used is some drainage systems to drain water to one point.The lift pumpA lift pump is used to raise water from underground sources. This is a pump that is used to lift the liquid, rather than force liquid up.A syringe is a simple piston pump that lifts a tube. The plunger that lifts can be pulled and pushed through inside a cylindrical tube or barrel. This enables the syringe to take in or expel fluid through the opening (nozzle) at the end of the tube.Uses of syringe:They can be fitted with hypodermic needles and used to administer injections.They are used to measure liquids and gases in a laboratory.They are used to apply certain compounds such as a glue or lubricant.Bicycle pumpThis is a type of force pump that consists of a hollow metal cylinder and a movable piston.Meassuring Atmospheric PressureMeasure atmospheric pressureAtmospheric pressure is measured by using barometer;Types of barometer:The simple barometerFortin barometerAneroid barometerThis is a type of force pump that consists of a hollow metal cylinder and a movable piston.A simple barometer is the most fundamental of the other types of barometer. The barometric liquid used is mercury.A simple barometer consists of a hard glass tube closed at one end.Fortin barometerA Fortin barometer is a modified simple barometer. It consists of an inverted tube closed at its upper end with the lower open end immersed in a reserve of mercury. The atmospheric pressure is measured in terms of the height of the column of mercury.Disadvantages of Fortin barometer:Mercury is very expensive to use and is very toxic. For these reasons, an aneroid barometer is usually preferred.It is not portable as it is generally big and contains liquid.It must be mounted in a vertical position. ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS:AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVELBAM NOTES A LEVELBASIC MATH O LEVELBIOLOGY O/A LEVELBOOK KEEPING O LEVELCHEMISTRY O/A LEVELCIVICS O LEVELCOMPUTER(ICT) O/A LEVELECONOMICS A LEVELENGLISH O/A LEVELCOMMERCE O/A LEVELACCOUNTING A LEVELGENERAL STUDIES NOTESGEOGRAPGY O/A LEVELHISTORY O/A LEVELKISWAHILI O/A LEVELPHYSICS O/A LEVELMOCK EXAMINATION PAPERSNECTA PAST PAPERS Form 1 Physics Notes Msomi Maktaba All Notes Physics Study Notes FORM 1PHYSICSPost navigationPrevious postNext postRelated Posts Form 1 Physics Notes PHYSICS FORM ONE TOPIC 2: INTRODUCTION TO LABORATORY PRACTICE November 6, 2018February 13, 2019 A Laboratory is a room or a building designed specifically for carrying out experiments. 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Form 1 Physics Notes PHYSICS FORM ONE TOPIC 2: INTRODUCTION TO LABORATORY PRACTICE November 6, 2018February 13, 2019 A Laboratory is a room or a building designed specifically for carrying out experiments. Laboratory Rules and Safety Guidelines Rules in a Physics Laboratory State rules in physics laboratory While working in the lab, individuals are advised to adhere to specific lab rules to ensure their safety,… Read More
Msomi Maktaba All Notes SC results 2023/2024 – Mauritius Examinations Syndicate February 2, 2024Check Detailed information about SC Results 2023/2024 Mauritius!! We have provided essential details regarding SC Results Mauritius 2023/2024, so what are you waiting for? Go ahead as soon as possible and get SC Results 2023/2024 Mauritius details. The anticipation surrounding the release of the School Certificate (SC) results is a significant… Read More