ZGCE ADVANCED LEVEL EXAMINATION TIME TABLE msomimaktaba, May 3, 2021May 3, 2021 ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ZGCE ADVANCED LEVEL EXAMINATION TIME TABLE DECEMBER/JANUARY SESSION2020/2021 EXAMINATION TIMES MORNING SESSION : 09:00HRSAFTERNOON SESSION : 14:00HRS This Time -Table must be displayed on the Centre’s notice board and outside the Examination Room for all Candidates to see. INSTRUCTIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR CANDIDATES AND EXAMINATION CENTRES Please go through this Examination Time-Table and these instructions thoroughly before you register for the examination.This Time-Table should not be varied or adjusted in order to accommodate any other examination(s) without the authority of ZIMSEC. NO EXTRA TIME will be allowed beyond the time allocated for each component/paper. A Special Consideration and Special Arrangement facility is available for candidates who sit for examinations under adverse conditions such as illness or bereavement in accordance with Examination Regulations. Examination dates and the duration of the examination for each paper on this Time-Table take precedence over all examination dates and times/duration quoted elsewhere in any other document issued by ZIMSEC unless otherwise advised officially by the Council in separate correspondence. Candidates MUST register for ALL their examinations across levels in one centre. ZIMSEC will not approve any arrangements for candidates who wish to sit for their Examinations from multiple examination centres. Heads of Examination centres are advised NOT to register Candidates beyond their approved thresholds. Unregistered candidates SHOULD NOT present themselves for examinations. In cases where a candidate is registered for examination papers which are time- tabled in the same session, the candidate MUST apply for Time -Table deviation through the Head of the examination centre sixty (60) days before the examination. This also applies to candidates who registered for examinations across levels. Heads of examination centres MUST ensure that No candidate sits for examinations for more than nine (9) hours in any given examination day. It is MANDATORY for ALL PRIVATE candidates to present positive identification to the Head of the examination centre before they are allowed to register for any examination. Examination centre authorities and Invigilators are not allowed to bar candidates from writing any examination for any reasons other than as stated in the ZIMSEC Examination Regulations. Therefore No Candidate should be barred from writing examinations because he/she has not paid school fees and levies. ALL registered candidates whose examination fees are fully paid have the right to write examinations for all papers they registered for. Candidates should not abuse this provision (i) to violet school rules and disrespect authorities. This Examination Time -Table DOES NOT suspend school rules and discipline. Appropriate disciplinary actions shall be taken by the school and ZIMSEC will not intervene if such disciplinary actions prejudice the candidate’s right to sit for his/her examinations. Be guided accordingly.Mobile cellular phones, smart digital/cellular watches or clocks, spy glasses, spy pens and any other electronic devices that can copy, store or process information are STRICTLY prohibited from the examination rooms. Invigilators are also not allowed to bring these gargets into the examination rooms. For time management, centres SHOULD use clocks which are visible to every candidate in the examination room. All Examinations MUST begin and end at stipulated time-tabled times without variation, therefore, clocks used for time-management in the examination rooms SHOULD not be adjusted backwards or forward in violation of this requirement. It is MANDATORY and every candidate’s right to check all question paper envelopes before they are opened to ensure that no one has tempered with the question papers before the examination. The collection and packing of scripts and the sealing of script envelopes after the examination MUST be done in the examination room(s) in full view and witnessed by all candidates. Heads of examination centres SHOULD enforce this regulation. Candidates and all individuals involved in the administration of examinations are encouraged to report to ZIMSEC or any authorised person(s) candidates, officials or individuals who breach Examination Regulations. Results for any candidate(s) who engage(s) in any form of cheating in the examination shall be CANCELLED and the candidate shall be prosecuted. ZIMSEC SHALL revoke the examinations centre status for any centre that breaches ZIMSEC Examination Regulations. A schedule of subject paper components available for the November examinations is attached to this Time-Table to guide candidates in their registration for examinations. Any special requirements by any candidate should be communicated to ZIMSEC three (3) months before the examination to enable the Council to consider Special Arrangements for the candidate(s) in accordance with the regulations.r) Dates for the following papers will be advised later: Building Technology and Design 6003/2 Theatre Arts 6026/3 Art – Controlled Test 6029/2 Food Technology and Design 6036/2 Home Management and Design 6038/2 Technical Graphics and Design 6047/3 Dance 6050/3 Musical Arts 6053/2 French 6068/1 Textile Technology and Design 6069/2 Physical Education, Sport & Mass Displays 6070/2Sport Science & Technology 6080/2 Any queries relating to this Time Table should be channeled to the following contacts +263 242 304 119.WhatsApp-0782745768 Use the following Toll Free numbers to report all malpractices before, during and after Examinations; Fraud & Ethics Hotline: Toll Free TelOne Lines: 0800 4100/4101/4103/4104/4105/4106/4151Toll Free NetOne Lines: 0716 800 189/ 0716 800 190Toll Free Econet Lines: 0808 4461/ 5500.Toll Free Telecel Lines: 0732 220 220/0732 330 330ZIMSEC WhatsApp Numbers : 0712737759 or 0782745768 2020 SEGMENT EXAMINATION DATE MORNING SESSION DURATION AFTERNOON SESSION DURATIONTUESDAY1 DECEMBER6054/1 SHONA LANGUAGE 13hrs6001/1 ACCOUNTING 11hr 20mins6055/1 NDEBELE LANGUAGE 13hrs6056/1 TONGA LANGUAGE 13hrs6058/1 TSHIVENDA LANGUAGE 13hrs6059/1 XICHANGANA LANGUAGE 13hrsWEDNESDAY2 DECEMBER6006/1 HISTORY 16002/1 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS 13hrs3hrs THURSDAY3 DECEMBER6042/1 PURE MATHEMATICS 1 3hrs6024/1 HORTICULTURE 1 1hrFRIDAY4 DECEMBER6074/1 FAMILY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES 1 3hrs 6048/1 AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING 11hr 6004/1 BUSINESS ENTERPRISE 13hrsMONDAY7 DECEMBER 6002/2 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS 2 3hrs 6030/1 BIOLOGY 11hr6073/1 ECONOMICS 1 1hr 30mins6024/3 HORTICULTURE 3 2hrs 30mins TUESDAY 8 DECEMBER 6021/1 MECHANICAL MATHEMATICS 13hrs 6028/1 ANIMAL SCIENCE 11hr6022/1 SPORT MANAGEMENT 1 1hr 20mins 6074/2 FAMILY & RELIGIOUS STUDIES 2 3hrs WEDNESDAY9 DECEMBER6028/3 ANIMAL SCIENCE 3 2hrs 30mins6001/2 ACCOUNTING 21hrs 45mins6030/2 BIOLOGY 21hr 30mins6004/2 BUSINESS ENTERPRISES 23hrsTHURSDAY10 DECEMBER6042/2 PURE MATHEMATICS 23hrs 6073/2 ECONOMICS 26032/1 PHYSICS 1 1hr 15mins1hr 6022/2 SPORT MANAGEMENT 2 3hrs FRIDAY11 DECEMBER6021/2 MECHANICAL MATHEMATICS 23hrs6028/2 ANIMAL SCIENCE 22hrs 30mins 6054/2 SHONA LANGUAGE 23hrs6055/2 NDEBELE LANGUAGE 23hrs6056/2 TONGA LANGUAGE 23hrs6058/2 TSHIVENDA LANGUAGE 2 ^3hrs6059/2 XICHANGANA LANGUAGE 23hrs MONDAY14 DECEMBER6030/3 BIOLOGY 32hrs 30mins 6006/2 HISTORY 23hrs6031/1 CHEMISTRY 11hr6025/1 BUSINESS STUDIES 13hrs 6024/2 HORTICULTURE 22hrs 30minsTUESDAY15 DECEMBER6037/01 GEOGRAPHY 13hrs6049/1 CROP SCIENCE 11hr6068/2 FRENCH 21hr 30mins EXAMINATION DATEMORNING SESSIONDURATIONAFTERNOON SESSION DURATIONWEDNESDAY16 DECEMBER6048/2 AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING 22hrs 30mins6032/2 PHYSICS 21hr 30mins6073/3 ECONOMICS 33hrs6001/3 ACCOUNTING 3 2hrs 30mins 6049/2 CROP SCIENCE 22hrs 30mins THURSDAY 17 DECEMBER *6030/4 BIOLOGY 4 PRACTICAL2hrs 30mins 6025/2 BUSINESS STUDIES 23hrs6034/1 ECONOMIC HISTORY 13hrsFRIDAY18 DECEMBER6046/1 STATISTICS 13hrs6026/1 THEATRE ARTS 12hrs6068/3 FRENCH 32hrs 30mins6049/3 CROP SCIENCE 32hrs 30mins 2021 SEGMENT EXAMINATION DATEMORNING SESSIONDURATIONAFTERNOON SESSION DURATIONTUESDAY5 JANUARY*6048/3 AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING 3 PRACTICAL2hrs 30mins ––6068/4 FRENCH 42hrs 30mins6037/2 GEOGRAPHY 23hrsWEDNESDAY6 JANUARY6039/1 LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 13hrs 5033/1 COMMUNICATION SKILLS 12hrs6032/3 PHYSICS 3 2hrs 30minsTHURSDAY7 JANUARY6046/2 STATISTICS 23hrs6026/2 THEATRE ARTS 22hrs 30mins6039/2 LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 23hrs6031/2 CHEMISTRY 21hr 30minsFRIDAY8 JANUARY6037/3 GEOGRAPHY 33hrs5033/2 COMMUNICATION SKILLS 22hrsMONDAY 11 JANUARY*6032/4 PHYSICS 4 PRACTICAL2hrs 30mins––6007/1 LITERATURE IN SHONA 13hrs6008/1 LITERATURE IN NDEBELE 13hrs6009/1 LITERATURE IN TONGA 13hrs6011/1 LITERATURE IN TSHIVENDA 1 ^3hrs6012/1 LITERATURE IN XICHANGANA 13hrs TUESDAY12 JANUARY6003/1 BUILDING TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN 1 3hrs 6068/5 FRENCH 52hrs 30mins6005/1 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY 13hrs6027/1 WOOD TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN 13hrs6036/1 FOOD TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN 13hrs6038/1 HOME MANAGEMENT & DESIGN 13hrs6040/1 METAL TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN 13hrs6044/1 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 1 3hrsWEDNESDAY13 JANUARY6034/2 ECONOMIC HISTORY 23hrs6070/1 PHYSICAL EDUCATION, SPORTS & MASS DISPLAYS 12hrs 30mins 6069/1 TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN 1 3hrsTHURSDAY14 JANUARY6039/3 LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 33hrs6080/1 SPORT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 12hrs 30mins6039/4 LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 43hrs6039/5 LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 53hrsFRIDAY15 JANUARY 6007/2 LITERATURE IN SHONA 23hrs6031/3 CHEMISTRY 32hrs 30mins6008/2 LITERATURE IN NDEBELE 23hrs6009/2 LITERATURE IN TONGA 23hrs6011/2 LITERATURE IN TSHIVENDA 2 ^3hrs6012/2 LITERATURE IN XICHANGANA 23hrsEXAMINATION DATEMORNING SESSIONDURATIONAFTERNOON SESSION DURATIONMONDAY 18 JANUARY 6005/2 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY 23hrs 30mins 6027/2 WOOD TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN 23hrs 15mins 6040/2 METAL TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN 23hrs 10mins 6053/1 MUSIC ARTS 13hrsTUESDAY19 JANUARY*6031/4 CHEMISTRY 4 PRACTICAL2hrs 30mins 6043/1 SOCIOLOGY 13hrsWEDNESDAY20 JANUARY6023/1 COMPUTER SCIENCE 13hrs THURSDAY21 JANUARY6043/2 SOCIOLOGY 23hrs 6047/1 TECHNICAL GRAPHICS & DESIGN 13hrs 6053/3 MUSIC ARTS 33hrsFRIDAY22 JANUARY6029/1 ART 13hrs 6050/1 DANCE 1 3hrsMONDAY25 JANUARY*6023/2 COMPUTER SCIENCE 2 PRACTICAL6050/2 DANCE 2 3hrs 3hrs TUESDAY26 JANUARY6003/3 BUILDING TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN 35hrs 6027/3 WOOD TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN 33hrs 15mins 6040/3 METAL TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN 33hrs 15mins *6044/2 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 2 PRACTICAL3hrsWEDNESDAY27 JANUARY6047/2 TECHNICAL GRAPHICS & DESIGN 2 3hrs 10mins *An additional session may be held in the morning or afternoon of the same day. ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS:AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVELBAM NOTES A LEVELBASIC MATH O LEVELBIOLOGY O/A LEVELBOOK KEEPING O LEVELCHEMISTRY O/A LEVELCIVICS O LEVELCOMPUTER(ICT) O/A LEVELECONOMICS A LEVELENGLISH O/A LEVELCOMMERCE O/A LEVELACCOUNTING A LEVELGENERAL STUDIES NOTESGEOGRAPGY O/A LEVELHISTORY O/A LEVELKISWAHILI O/A LEVELPHYSICS O/A LEVELMOCK EXAMINATION PAPERSNECTA PAST PAPERS Examination TimeTables Msomi Maktaba All Notes Exam TimeTablePost navigationPrevious postNext postRelated PostsSTEMMUCO selected applicants 2022/23 | Stella Maris Mtwara University College selected applicants 2022/2023 February 3, 2024STEMMUCO Selected applicants 2023/2024 pdf: Have you applied for Diploma, certificate or bachelor degree admission at Stella Maris Mtwara University College for 2023/2024 academic year and you have been anxiously waiting to see if you have been selected to join STEMMUCO and you don’t know how and where to get… Read More Form 3 Commerce Study Notes FORM THREE COMMERCE – COMMUNICATIONS November 11, 2018February 13, 2019ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS: AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVEL BAM NOTES A LEVEL BASIC MATH O LEVEL BIOLOGY O/A LEVEL BOOK KEEPING O LEVEL CHEMISTRY O/A LEVEL CIVICS O LEVEL COMPUTER(ICT) O/A LEVEL ECONOMICS A LEVEL ENGLISH O/A LEVEL COMMERCE O/A LEVEL ACCOUNTING A LEVEL… Read More Msomi Maktaba All Notes ZIMSEC A Level Results 2023/2024: Stay Up To Date February 2, 2024ZIMSEC A Level results 2023/2024: Check ZIMSEC A Level results 2023/2024. 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