LITERATURE FORM 1 – EXPRESSING PERSONAL AND GROUP ROUTINE / HABITS msomimaktaba, November 11, 2018February 13, 2019 Every person or group of people who stay together (school) has daily routine or activity. This can be expressed by different works, everyday, often, usually, daily, every month. Usually action is expressed in present simple tense or habitual aspect. The social area/ focus is on the following. BREAK TIME At 10:00 A.M break starts. We go out for a break of 30 minutes. During break time, I drink tea with some snacks. At 10:30 A.m. I go back to class. Classes end at 2:00 p.m.After classes I go home at 2:45 P.M. I eat lunch. Exercise As a student’s what is your Daily Routine?Vocabulary Take a shower – wash the whole bodyAttendance – counting peopleSupper – food eaten at the right (a right meal) Structure Prepositions “ON” – is used with days and datesExamples I go to church on Sundays. I go to the Mosque on FridayI was born on 03rd May 1978 “AT” – is used with exact time Examples: He come at six o’clockWe traveled at nightThe lesson starts at 8:00 am. “IN” – is used with parts of the day, months and yearsExamples: He came in the eveningSchool will be closed in DecemberHe was born in 2009 Asking questions. We can also ask questions using does, do Note: Does – is for singular nouns and pronounsDo – is for plural nouns and pronouns. Examples: Does she speak English?Does he come to school late?Does she smoke?Do they speak English?Do they come to school late?Do we have to write our names? Exercise Make question using does and doDoes …………………………..?Does …………………………..?Do ….…………………………..?Do ….…………………………..? EXPRESSING ON GOING ACTIVITIES This activity can be done by individual or somebody else. They refer to what is going on at a time of observation guessing, talking and so on. This is PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE or PROGRESSIVE ASPECT– The verbs end with …ing Martha and Consolata are sweeping the floorIt is looking at youThey are eating riceYou are playing nicely – When you go to school in the morning there are a lot of activities going on, you will seeSome students sweeping the compoundSome students watering the flowersSome students paradingSome teachers shouting to the studentsParents paying fees.Extra verbs Flowering, watering, chasing, snoring, reading, shouting, waiting, glorying, drinking, ringing, banking, blowing, cutting, shrinking . Note: present continuous tense He She is It I am + verb ……………ing They We are You EXPRESSING LIKES AND DISLIKE The word like (v) means to be sound as or pleased with from the verb we get the word like (vi) and dislike (Ti) opposite or antonym. Grammatically likes/ dislike are not nouns but only used in everyday talks (spoken English) whether like or dislike the force behind them are human feeling, taste experience traditions.Usually like and dislike are expressed in non-verbal forms of communication such as gesturers, social expressions movement nodding.Non- verbal – communication is also called body languageExamples:Question : what game do you like most?Answer : I like football and boxingQuestion : what music do you like most?Answer : I like bongo flavaQuestion : what drink do you like most?Answer : I like orange Juice only PREFERENCE The most suitable is ………………Therefore Example: I prefer——— to———-I prefer tea to coffeeI prefer English to KiswahiliI prefer reading to writing Exercise Make ten (10) sentences using the following words belowTALKING ABOUT ONE’S FAMILY– Expressing family relations:A family is smallest social unit. The family consists of father, mother, children and relatives. This kind of a family is called Extended family Vocabulary Uncle – The brother of your father or motherCousin – The child of your uncle or aunt.Nephew – The son of you r brother or sisterNiece – The daughter of your brother or sister Sister – in – law – The sister of your wife or husbandFather in- law – the father of your wife or husbandGrandfather – The father of your father or motherBrother in- law – The brother of your wife of husbandGrandmother – The mother of your father or motherAunt – The sister of your father or mother A family treeMabula married Kalunde.They have two children ,Robert and Rose. Robert got married to Rehema and they have two children Tyson and Diana Rose at mrried to Juma and they have two children;Bush and Sijapata Study the following diagram: Expressing occupations of family members Members of a family usually has daily activity for production or social servicesVocabulary; Venders, Tailors, Sailors, Plumber, Nurse,Teacher. Exercise: Fill in the following table with the right information. The first one has been done for you. OWNERSHIP OR POSSESSION Possession refers to one having his/her property such as school, pen, houses, car, home, and farm – Most occurring wordsPossessive pronouns: e.g. my, her, his, our, theirOther terms: posses, belong, own, property of…. Examples My father owns a boatMy sister own a big houseI have a henWe possess a big libraryThat bus belongs to my fatherDESCRIBING PHYSICAL APPEARANCE People differ in physical appearance in terms of height, size, colour,[complexion] morphology, hair, eyes, ears, nose, teeth, fingers, legs, toes, chest head.Study the following text Mr. Kibakaya is a light coloured skinned man in our street. He is baldheaded and his remaining hairs gray. Older people say that he has a fair complexion. His daughter is skinning, tall but tenders. She is beautiful and attracts attention whenever she passes. Her twisting eyes confuse young man. She puts on her-heals on every weekend. Her young brother is shot and fat, he looks handsome and magnetic to girls his chest is wide as well as frightening nose DESCRIBING CHARACTER Every person has a particular behavior that display his/her character: Example: cruel, greedily, rude, rough, carelessness, generous, gentle, sincere, open, lian Examples: He is a rude boy at our schoolShe is careless that her uniform is full of sportsA sincere student is liked by teacherYou’re a liar Character changes because of age education and people around, character reflects moral and cultural value. People from broken families usually show bad character. Character can also be understood through a language that a person uses. Structure Asking questionsWe can also ask questions using the words in the box Who is shouting?What are you doing?Which boo is yours?Whose pen is this?When do we go home? EXPRESSING OPINIONS AND FEELINGS What is your opinion? Do you like city life or rural life?There are some people who want to go to live in towns. They think that life is cheap and simple there. They think they can buy cars, houses, good clothes etc. Giving opinions can be easily expressed during debatesExample: MotionsBoarding schools provide better education than day schoolCo- education school are better than single sex schoolSpecial ability schools are not special in rolling students Students failure in examination is due to poor teaching. Look at the following ways in which we can express opinions in English Asking for opinion expressing an opinion In my opinion,school rules are a waste of time supporting opinion opposing an opinion Expression doubt Participants Chief proposer and opposes, audience, guest, speaker, secretary Vocabulary :Suggest, view, evaluate, propose, against, think, argue, advise, disagree, equally, feeling can be expressed. ExampleI feel hungryYou are happy Expressing state of health Examples Are you sick ? What are you suffering from? Yesterday I had a headache Exercise Write conversations between a doctor and patient TALKING ABOUT PAST EVENTS/ ACTIVITIES This give a particular form of verb endings it is sometimes called PAST TENSE Note: common adverb Last week, yesterday etc.Example: My brother got married last FridayLast week they closed the school Expressing past activities Tense is expressed by verbs. These verbs in the past tense be have with regular ending with-ed,ed, and others behave with irregular ending. Example see-saw, get-got, cut-cut. Adverbs that show past tense Yesterday – I saw him yesterdayLast – we were at club last FridayAgo – they met two years agoPrevious – she experienced this problem from the previous. – Such characteristics of irregular verb also apply to helping or modal verbs Note: the past tense of the above modal helping verbs are common in conditional clauses that is if……… then………….. Structure Past perfect tenseFormatSubject + had + verb in participle Examples: I had seen several football gamesI had done the job Structure Adjective: is a word that is used to describe a noun or a pronounGeneral classification of AdjectivesAdjectives of coloure.g. black, yellow, green, purple, orange, redAdjectives of size and shapee.g. small, giant, round, etcAdjectives of quantitye.g. many, few, little, muchAdjectives of agee.g. old, new, middle, young.Proper adjectives or adjectives of origine.g. African, Kenyan, French (vi) Adjective of usee.g. useful, useless ORDER OF ADJECTIVE Where there is more than one adjective before a noun in a sentence, the order of adjectives is as follows:1st adjective – Describes the number (Quantity)2nd adjective – Describes the general size and shape3rd adjective – Describes age4th adjective – Describes colour5th adjective – Describes where it comes from (origin)6th adjective – Describes what is made up of7th adjective – Noun Examples: EXPRESSING FUTURE PLANS AND ACTIVITIES Future exists in different forms Intention – necessity – shall Probability – possibility – will Common adverb Tomorrow, next How to form future? Subject + shall/will + be + main clause Examples: It will be there tomorrowSubject + will + be + clause When we want to talk about things what we shall do tomorrow, next week, next month we use words likeGoing toShallWill Examples: Tomorrow I’m going to write my mother a letter.She will tell you something good tomorrowWe shall visit you next monthGoing to, will and shall show future tense.Future continues activitiesSubject + will or shall + (be) + verb …… + clause Examples You will be leaving the school at 4:30pmWe shall be singing in the church choir Exercise Mention 4 things that you are going to do after you have finished form four……………………..……………………..……………………..……………………..…………………….. 1. Mention three (3) things which will happen to someone who has HIV/ AIDS……………………..……………………..…………………….. Note: will is used all persons in the singular and plural for example i) you will be wait ii) I will go to the market tomorrow Shall is sometimes use instead of will, It is used in statement in the fist personal singular or plural, It shows determination or promise about future activities for example i) We shall play hard and we shall win the game: (determination) ii) I shall write to you as soon as i arrive in Mpwapwa (promise) READING A VARIETY OF TEXTS (INTENSIVE READING) A FOOLISH CUSTOMER One day Mr. Juha seat in a hotel drinking some coffee. A boy come to him that he was selling afternoon papers. “Which papers do you have? Juha asked. “I have the Daily news and The Guardian”, the boy said. “Well, give me both. How much do they cost?” Mr. Juha asked. “One thousand two hundred for both. The Guardian sells at seven hundred” the boy said, “Oh, that is very expensive; just give, The Daily News”Mr. Juha gave the boy ton thousand shillings note. The boy said he had no change. “Let me go for the change sir”, the boy said “No! No! No!” you will run away with my money! Leave your papers here with me” Mr. Juha said. The boy left happily leaving Juha with the papers after two hours Mr. Juha counted the papers that the boy had left. They were only three! Juha laughed Kwe! Kwe! Kwe! Of course the boy never came back Questions Write True (T) or false (F) to the following sentencesJuha sat in a hotel reading the Daily newsThe Guardian costs five hundred shillingsJuha change was 8,800/=Juha counted his change VOCABULARY Customer – someone who buys things from the seller, buyer, clientExpensive – an item whose price is very highCost – The price of something e.g. my shoes cost me five thousand shilling onlyChange – Money left buying something EXERCISE Make two sentences using the words expensive and cost……………………………………..…………………………………….. INTERPRETING LITERARY WORKS Intensive reading: Involves comprehension and summary while reading a class reader (books) its chapters, the following activities should be done.Understanding the writing and pictures on the front cover, usually they summarize or give a piece of information of what is in the class reader (book)Title of the class reader (book)– A name or topic which is discussed in the chaptersAuthor: A person writes a book must be memorized.Main or chief character(s) he/ she is the main actorMinor character persons or animals in the storySetting (venue – A particular place in which the story take place Example, Dar es salaam, Nairobi, Kampala etcDifficult words should be selected and their meaning understood either by using a dictionary (decretive memory) or according how they are used in the book.To summarize each chapter in one or two sentences and finally the whole book into one to five sentences.The lesson one can learn from the book.The importance or significance or relevant of the book in societyIt is still useful or notIntensive reading therefore means reading deeply while extensive reading refers to reading widely (a lot of book) Skimming – Narrow information into one sentences or passage Scanning – Reading intensively for specific information Definition of teams Author – A person who write a book or storingPlot – The main sequence of events in a play, novelTheme – Subject of a taller, piece of writingChapter – main division of a bookCharacter – Particular nature of someoneSetting – way of place in which something is settingSummary – A brief statement of the main pointComprehension- The ability to understandPublisher – A company or person that Publisher, book, News,Paper, Journal CLASS READER I. Who is the author?The author is Richard S. Mabala II. List of what you see in frontHawa the bus driverThe busUbungo plaza (the weather building)114 (the number route of the car)UDA (the name of a car)Isuzu (the name of the company of the car)T 140 ADS (the plate number of the car)(h)Coconut tree(i) Route of the bus K/Koo Mention the name of the publish. The publisher is Ben and company Ltd.Who is the main character of the whole book why? Hawa is the main character of the book because she is the one who the whole story is taking about her being a bus driver.Names of the characterSelemaniHawaMzee AthumaniSaadaHassani Hawa the bus driver CHAPTER I HAWA’S DESCRIPTION Famous in Dar es salaamVery strong woman, tall, toughWeight 82kgsBus driverThe lioness SELEMANI Husband of HawaWorker at Urafiki Texttile MillA medicine operatorTall, strongSmilling, cool CHAPTER II, HAWA’S DAY Hawa lives in Manzese, suburb of Dar es Salaam.Two children Hassan and SaudaPrimary school teacher GeorgeA nurse Chausiku, best friend of HawaCHAPTER III HAWA AND THE DRUNKED Hawa focus trouble from a drunkardThe conductor, Meshack co-operates with passengers to help Hawa comfort the drunkard – The drunkard is taken to police station. CHAPTER IV HAWA AND THE THIEVES During the night shift, A man with a pistol pointed at HawaHawa hijacked and ordered to drive to MbeziMade attack with a passenger who was in a blue overallHawa stopped the bus abruptlyThe thief was overcome by grabbing the pistolThe passengers helpedThe thief was taken to the police stationHawa becomes the Heroine with mind that arms are like baobab trees. CHAPTER VAccidents are common in Dar es salaam due to drivers negligence, driving to fast disobey traffic lights, ignore other cars Changu ni changu chota chako kwingine Bus coach hit a primary school boyHawa takes troubles to take him to hosp[italPassengers are angry as well as police officers her hart is as sweet as ripe mango CHAPTER VI SELEMAN IS JEALOUS Seleman is jealous because his wife is more famous Hawa the great Some of Selemani’s friends advised him that it is wrong for a wife to be famous and bad to drive a busSelemani orders his wife a stop driving and stay at home.Unwilling Hawa decides to resignBefore submitting a resignation letter her fellow drivers advice her not to do so until they take with her husbandAfter a long discussion selemani changes his mind and allow Hawa to drive after seeking his opinion to.Hawa and Seleman, continued to live happy together. Lesson or significance or importanceGenerally, Hawa the bus driver is still relevant in society.Heroine driversRole of women to prepare breakfast/ meal for the familyMockery against women who exceed in society above men has no place anymore.Hijackers of business and planesAccidents in urban areas/ cities and highwaysHealous of husband who do not like to hear their wife. Structure Articles a, an, the, are called articlesA: uses of article “a and an” (Indefinite Articles) “a” is used for countable singular NounsExample: a book, a boy“an” is also used for countable singular Nouns but those which start with a pronunciation of a vowel a, e, I, o, u etc.Example: an elephant, an eggBut we can also say an honest man because although the word honest start with “h” yet “h” is not pronounced. In pronunciation the word starts with a vowel “O” /Onist/a/an are used to refer to things which are not clear to us (indefinite) ExampleA national party (which one?)A man is outside (who?) (i) a/an are used to introduce something or a person for the first time.Example:I bought a radio.The radio was stolen after two weeks (ii) an/a are used with illnessExampleI have a cold/ a headacheI have a stomachacheNote: we don’t use articles with pluralsExample: measles, mumpsWe also don’t use articles with: blood pressure, flu, gout or hepatitisYou cannot sayI have a blood pressure but you can sayI have blood pressure(iii) an/a are used when describing someone‘s nationality.Example: She is an AmericanHe is an African She is a TanzanianNote:Do not put a if the Noun is pluralExample: I saw a boys (No!)But: I saw boys (Yes) Exercise Put in the space below article a or an or put a dash (-) if no article is neededI can repair __________ carI can write__________ lettersI can eat______________ onionUse_______ ruler to draw ___________linesI am ________Tanzania DEFINITE ARTICLE “The” Uses of “the” is used with the following things:Organizations E.g. the OAU, the UNOshipsE.g. The M.V Express before certain expressions of time e.g. – in the afternoon – on the previous dayOn public bodiese.g. the police, the RTD HISTORICAL EVENTS: e.g. The Arusha declaration The majimaji war (vi)Political partiese.g. The UMD party The NPP The presse.g. The Daily NewsRiver E.g. The Ganges, The Nile(ix)Before musical instruments e.g. He plays the guitar (x) Mountains e.g. The Alps The Kilimanjaro (xi)Oceane.g. The Atlantic Things mentioned for the second time e.g. I bought a shirt and an umbrella, The shirt is now oldUsed before the name of a country which consist of an Adjective!Example:The United KingdomThe Soviet UnionThe United ArabBut not; The West German The Great Britain The New ZealandThings which are unique (the only one) e.g. The stars,The moon,The God,The Angles,The Kilimanjaro hotel,The Hilton (xv)Used before superlative e.g. The biggest boy The most beautiful girl (xvi) The only thing found in the house e.g. The wall The window The roof The kitchen The floorNote: Do not use articlesIn front of uncountable Nounse.g. I like butterWith languagese.g. English is a world languageIn front proper Nounse.g. Mwamsiku is our Headmaster INTERPRETING POEMS POETRY Definition: is an art which uses imaginative language in a pattern of lines and sounds to express deep thought, feeling or human experience. However there are different definitions of the term poetry depending on the author, we can generally define poetry as the art of composing or writing poems. Note: poems are meant for singing Structure of poetry What is a poem?It is a piece of writing arranged in patterns of lines and sounds. What is poet?It is an artist of writer who composes poems What is stanza?It is a group of lines divisions in a poem What is a verse?It is a single line in a poem What is simile?It is a way of comparing things using words like……………as…………or like………………………. What is metaphor?It is a way of comparing things without words of comparison What is imaginary?It is an art of drawing word picture by comparing the reality of what is talked about to different but relevant aspect of reality. What is rhyme? Words with some sound at the end of the verse e.g. fly, tie, pie. What is alliteration?Words with some sound at the beginning of words in verse reinforce the meaning. Example: pixpox , pax pox etc.1. What is reiteration?It is repetition of a word, a verse or even a stanza for a particular effecte.g. You are dead and dead and dead indeed POETRY ANALYSIS Content – What the poem is about or what to describesThemes/ Message – Lessons we learn from the poem or novels messagee.g. ignorance, exploitation, friendship3. Form – how the poem is arranged (stanza and verses) 4. Mood – attitude of the poete.g. happiness, anger, seriousness, etc.5. Symbolism – using a person or object /animals as if they re people Example: EAT MORE GRASS (JOE CORRIE) “Eat more grass” the slogan says more fish, more beef, more bread but I’m on unemploymentpay my third year now and weed. Read the following poem very fast Katai is a MasaiKatai can tie and untie a tie If katai can tie and untie a tieWhy can’t I tie a tie?Like katai, cantieAnd untie a tie?QuestionsWhich tribe is katai?……………………..What can katai do?………………………. Structure BETWEEN/AMONG Between – is used with two thingsAmong – is used with more than two things Examples: Kibile is standing between two girlsRiwa Kariwa is standing among four girlsThe car is between two busesRuth is among ten girls who failed the exams. ANALYSING INFORMATION FROM THE MEDIA Use of Factual information (F.I) and Non Factual information (N.F.I)ExampleHIV/AIDS is mainly transmitted through sexual inter course F.IViolence against women increase their discipline (N.F.I)The sun doesn’t move (F.I)(2×3) – 5 (4-1) = -9 (N.F.I)Nairobi is the capital city of Kenya (F.I) A WORLD OF COMPUTERS – Do you know what a compute is?Have you ever seen a computerA computer is a machinery which uses electricity or batteries to do many things. I. What can a computer do?Can write letterCan draw pictureCan show diseasesCan play gamesCan do calculationsCan teach lessonsCan count moneyA computer store many names. II. Where do we find computers?We can find computersAt homeIn officeAt air port – In hospitals at schoolIn internet cafes. (Show the picture of the computer and its parts)Parts of the computerA computer has five main parts1. Central processing Unit (CPU)This is the brain of a computer. The CPU think and keeps recordDisplay (Monitor)This is where you can see all the information it is like the screen of a T.V.Key boardThis is where you type things. It is just like a typewriterMouseThis point to the screen showing what you want to doPrinterThis prints (writes) things like the words you are reading in this book Questions 1. Mention three things you think a computer cannot do(i) ……………………… (ii) ………………………(iii) ……………………… Question Complete the computer words in the table below Complete the crossword puzzle below A cross What are get a schoolThe past tens of loseWhat do we do at the door when we ask to get in?a type of greetingsThe short form of United Nation OrganizationWhat does a watch tell?A type of colourOne of the countries in AfricaA country whose capital is Khartoum Down The biggest animal in TanzaniaThe past tense of takeWhat we put in vegetablesWhat we put in the penHow we pronounce “sick”The past tense of sitA short form of mistressIt gives us light and heat. WRITING PERSONAL LETTER Friendly letters Use to express your thought and feelings to get something done both the content and the form of a letter say something for you and about you. The content is what you write in a letter, form is how it look There are two main kinds of letter o Personal /friendly letter and o Business/ official letters Personal /friendly letters must have the following. The letter must have a dateAn address of whom you send the letter is unimportant.We start the letters with, Dear mother, Dear father, Dear friend, Hello Jack, Hi Marry ect 4. You can start the letter the way you feel No rules!You can put in the letter as many topics as you wishYou can more from one topic to the other.You can make jokes, write funny things, ask questions, give short stories.The ending can be; bye bye, please write, take care, your love, lots of love, your friend SAMPLE LETTER AZANIA SEC SCHOOLP. O. BOX 9074DAR ES SALAAM12TH FEB,2015Dear Queen, Many thanks for your letter. You certainly deserved, this result as I know you walked very hard. I have been waiting so eagerly for the results of the examinations I did too. I must admit that I have not done half the things I planned to do during this holiday. However, I have been doing a lot of revision. I have read two books of Geography and novels. I will certainly let you know my examination result as soon as possibleYour sincerely/love EXERCISE Rearrange the Sentence and write the letter correctlyBut I’m now fitWill you go home during holidaysOur school closest next month Hallow Upendo Your friend I hope your enjoy lessons (vii) When are you closing school?Please write to me soonI had Maralia How is schoolJackline LISTENING SKILLS AND NOTE TAKING TAKING NOTES Hearing is the natural ability of receiving sound waves/messageThis is normally involuntary e.g. NoiseSometimes we hear even if we don’t want to since we care not deafListening is conscious or international attempt to hoar to receive the message deliberately listening involves some skills which can be taught and learn e.g. to get knowledge to carry out Instructions or write notes LISTENING STRATEGIES -It involves physical and mental alert/awareness This brings you mind back when your mind can never concentrateSit in a manner that you will see the speaker-Have desire to listen This is a person paying attention on what the speaker is talking about tell the mind that you want to concentrate-Develop willingness Be ready to receive new information do not ask too much when you are listeningGive a speaker time to speak so as to avoid misinterpretation-Postponed judgments Don’t judge a speaker based on the appearance, dress, language, reputation or speaking style concentrate on what he/she is talking-Observe Careful look at the speaker to identity the corbels dues which will help you to identity important point emphasized forceFocus on speakers points view Understand and listen what speaker believes in e.g. Empathy sympathy or tolerant. Predict and ask questions keep you after all the time and ask questions and predict speaker’s next words In cooperation of some stories that are relevant. LOOK AS IF YOUR ARE LISTENING Sit straight uncross your legs AVOID BARRIERS/DESTRUCTION Don’t sit with a person who is talkative. Temperature should be hot or too cold. There should not be too much noiseNOTE TAKING A good listener is a good note taker.STRATEGIES ON NOTES TAKING Be brief Speaker speaks many things at a time so one cannot be equivalent observe speakers facial and gestures expression, Write only enough to represent the idea,Use abbreviation and symbols ≥ Greater than≤ Less than No. Number? Important point+ PositiveNegativeUse point form when writing points Paying attention to signal words These are words which show various points they are useful squad you to take your notes properly.They show contrast e.g. But, however otherwise, yet, despite, in spite, of, although, still, even though, never the less.They show results hence, thus, thereforeTo show additional – Again, another, more even, furthermore, also, tooTo summarize – conclude, finally, in short, to sum up, to conclude in brief.To give / show example – for example, for instanceTo show condition – if, unless, whenTo show similar – equally, as, like, seems, resembleTo show amount – many, most, several and fewTo show strength – intensively, exactly, indeed, totally, extremely.To show – basically, without, doubt,To show place – beside, near, adjacent, opposite, over, below, beyond, across. WRITING A VARIETY OF TEXTS WRITING TEXTS AT THE BANK COUNTER DEPOSITION MONEY Now imaging that you are at the bank counter and you want to keep your money there. This is called depositing. In the bank you will be giving PAY-IN-SLIP you must fill in the form correctly. The following are instruction and information, which will help you to fill in the form. Write your nameYour bank brunch is Ubungo. Your account number is 002233445566. Write the date of today write your address. You have the following moneyFive notes of ten thousand eachSeven notes of five thousandThirty notes of two thousand each At the bank If you have a lot of money you must take it to the bank and keep it there. Exercise: What bad things may happen if you keep your money at home or in the dormitory? i. The house may catch fire and the money will be burnt. ii. _______________________________________________ iii. iv. At the bank counters Depositing money. Now imagine that you are at the bank counter and you want to keep your money there. This is called depositing. In the bank you will give pay-in-slip. You must fill in the form correctly.The following are instructions and information, which will help you to fill the form.Write your name.Your bank branch is Ubungo. Your account number is 002233445566. Write the date of today. Write your address. You have the following money. i. Five notes of ten thousand each. ii. Seven notes of five thousand each. iii. Thirty notes of two thousand each.Twenty eight notes of one thousand each.Nine notes of five hundred each.Eighteen coins of twenty shilling each. vii. Nine coins of one shilling each Now fill in the pay-in-slip below: Don’t forget to write the total amount you deposited in both numbers and words. WithdrawalSometimes you have to go to the bank and take some of the money you deposited. This is called withdrawal.You don’t have to take the whole amount of money you deposited. So you have to fill in the withdrawal form(voucher). Now fill in the following form so as to withdraw 112,00/ Bank balanceIt is very important to know how much money is left in your account in the bank. This is called bank balance. Exercise Now fill the following slip so that you can know your balance I think you still remember how much you deposited and how much you withdrew. Now fill in the present balance.A DiaryA diary is a book of records showing things which you may do in the future.It also show things that you did today, previous days, weeks or months ago. In the diary you should only write important things. We use diaries so that we may not forget important events. Exercise The following is a page of diary (i)fill in 5 important things you did yesterday in diary 1.(ii) fill in important 5 things you will do tomorrow in diary 2.(iii)prepare a month diary and fill in all the important things you will do in that month. Show it to your teacher . Diary 1 ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS:AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVELBAM NOTES A LEVELBASIC MATH O LEVELBIOLOGY O/A LEVELBOOK KEEPING O LEVELCHEMISTRY O/A LEVELCIVICS O LEVELCOMPUTER(ICT) O/A LEVELECONOMICS A LEVELENGLISH O/A LEVELCOMMERCE O/A LEVELACCOUNTING A LEVELGENERAL STUDIES NOTESGEOGRAPGY O/A LEVELHISTORY O/A LEVELKISWAHILI O/A LEVELPHYSICS O/A LEVELMOCK EXAMINATION PAPERSNECTA PAST PAPERS English Study Notes Form 1 English Study Notes Msomi Maktaba All Notes FORM 1GeographyPost navigationPrevious postNext postRelated Posts Computer Study/ICT Study Notes COMPUTER/ICT NOTES FORM ONE TOPIC 4: COMPUTER HANDLING November 6, 2018May 6, 2020F1-RevisionHomework-Module2.pdf (138k) ICT Form 1 – Lesson 1.pps (879k) ICT Form 1 – Lesson 2.pps (726k) ICT Form 1 – Lesson 3.pps (622k) 12:31 AM ICT Form 1 – Lesson 4-MSWord.pps (548k) 12:31 AM ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS: AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVEL BAM NOTES… Read More Form 4 Geography Study Notes Form 4 Geography – RESEARCH November 12, 2018February 13, 2019ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS: AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVEL BAM NOTES A LEVEL BASIC MATH O LEVEL BIOLOGY O/A LEVEL BOOK KEEPING O LEVEL CHEMISTRY O/A LEVEL CIVICS O LEVEL COMPUTER(ICT) O/A LEVEL ECONOMICS A LEVEL ENGLISH O/A LEVEL COMMERCE O/A LEVEL ACCOUNTING A LEVEL… Read More English Language Study Notes Form 4 English – SPEAKING USING APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE CONTENT AND STYLE. November 13, 2018February 13, 2019ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS: AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVEL BAM NOTES A LEVEL BASIC MATH O LEVEL BIOLOGY O/A LEVEL BOOK KEEPING O LEVEL CHEMISTRY O/A LEVEL CIVICS O LEVEL COMPUTER(ICT) O/A LEVEL ECONOMICS A LEVEL ENGLISH O/A LEVEL COMMERCE O/A LEVEL ACCOUNTING A LEVEL… Read More Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment *Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
Computer Study/ICT Study Notes COMPUTER/ICT NOTES FORM ONE TOPIC 4: COMPUTER HANDLING November 6, 2018May 6, 2020F1-RevisionHomework-Module2.pdf (138k) ICT Form 1 – Lesson 1.pps (879k) ICT Form 1 – Lesson 2.pps (726k) ICT Form 1 – Lesson 3.pps (622k) 12:31 AM ICT Form 1 – Lesson 4-MSWord.pps (548k) 12:31 AM ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS: AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVEL BAM NOTES… Read More