Form 4 Mathematics – TRIGONOMETRY msomimaktaba, November 13, 2018August 17, 2024 TRIGONOMETRYTrigonometrical ratios in a unit circleThe three trigonometrical ratios of sine, cosine and tangent have been defined earlier, using the sides of a right-angled triangle as followsIf A is an angle as shown Consider a circle of units subdivided into four congruent sectors of the coordinate axes whose origin is at the center of the circle as shown below.Let ø be any acute angle (0 < ø < 900) and let P with coordinates (x, y) be the point where OP intersect with the circle thenSIGNS OF THE TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS The trigonometrical ratios can be positive or negative depending on the size of the angle and the quadrant in which the angle is found.The results obtained are illustrated below. There results will be a help in determining whether sine, cosine and tangent of an angle is positive or negative. Obtuse angle 900<θ<1800Sin (180-θ)0 = yCos (180-θ)0 = – xTan (180-θ)0 = – Sin θ = = Cos θ = = Tan θ = =Tan θ = Tan θ = Tan θ = EXERCISE1. Write the signs of each of the followinga. Cos 1600 = negativeb. Cos 3100 = positivec. Cos 750 = positived. Sin 2200 = negativee. Cos 3350 = positivef. Tan 1900 = positive2. Express the following in terms of sine, cosine or tangent of an acute angle a). Cos 3080 =3600– 3080 = 520 =Cos 520b). Sine 217 0 = ( -217 – 180)0 = -( 370) = Sin -370c). Tan 1750 = -(1800 – 1750) = -50 Tan -50d). Tan 3330 = -(360 -333)0 = -270 = sin-270 e). Cos 1030 = – (180 -103) = -770 = cos -770 3. Express the following in terms if sine a). Sin 130 0 = (180- 130)0 = sin 500 b). Sin 2300 = -(230 -180) 0 = -sin 500 c). Sin 310 0 = – ( 360 – 310)0 = -sin 500Examples 1. Let θ be any angle and P with coordinates (-4, 3) be a point in the terminal point of op, see the figure below. Finda. sinθb. cosθc. tanθ (OP)2= (-4)2+ (3)2 OP= 5 a. Sin θ = sin ( 180- θ) = 3/5 b. Cos θ = cos ( 180 – θ) = -4/5 c. Tan θ = tan (180-θ) = – ¾ EXERCISE 1. Find the cos θ and tan if θ is the angle made by the positive x- axis, from the line from the origin to each of the following points.a. ( 2,6)Solution Cos θ = Sin θ = b. (-12 , 5) Cos θ = –Tan θ = – Sin θ = c. (-4,-3)Cos θ = –Tan θ = – Sin θ = –POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ANGLES NOTE;1. If θ is positive, the negative angle corresponding to θ is (-3600 +θ)2. If θ is negative, the positive angle corresponding to θ is (3600 +θ) Example 1. Find the positive or negative angles corresponding to each of the following angles. a. 3040= ( -3600 + θ) = (- 3600 + 304 ) = -56 0 b. -115 0 = ( 360 0+ θ) = 3600 + -1150 = 24502. Find the sine, cosine and tangent of each of the following angles. a. 1440Solution 1440 = 1800 – 1440 = 36 0 = sin 360 = 0.5878 = cosine 360 = -0.8090 = tan 360 = -0. 7265b). -2310= 3600 + θ = 3600 + -231 = 1290 =1800– 1290 = 510 Sin 510= 0.7771 Cosine 510= 0.6293 Tan 510= -1.2349 c). 310 0 = 360 0 –3100 = 500 Sin3100= sin500 = 0.7660 Cosine 310 0 = cosine 500= 0.6428 Tan 310 0 = tan500 = 1.1918 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOSConsider a triangle A, B, C in which angles A and C are complimentary angles. ie A+C = 900Sin A = a/b Cos C = a/b Sin A = Cos C = a/b C = 90-A Sin A = Cos (90-A)0 = Cos C = a/b Cos A = c/b (Sin A)2 = sin2 A Sin 2 A + Cos 2 A = = 1 Exercise 1. Given that Sin θ = 4/9 . find Cos θ Solution Sin2θ + cos2 θ = 1 (4/9 )2 + cos2θ = 1 Cos 2 θ = 1- 16/81 Cos θ = 2. If Sin θ = 0.9397 and Cos θ = 0.3420. Find without using tables tan θ. Solution Tan θ = = = 2.7483. If Sin α = find sin(90-α) Solution α + β = 900 β = 900 – α Sin α = Cos (900– α) = Cos β = Sin2β + Cos 2β =1 Sin2β + 2Sin2β= Sin2β= Sin β = Sin (90-α) = 4. If Sin A = 0.9744 and Cos A = 0.225 Find without using tables Tan A?Solution Tan A = =Tan A = 4.3307 5. Find without using tables sin α if cos α = 0.9272 and tan α=0.404 Solution Tan α = 0.404 = Sin α = 0.3746APPLICATIONS OF TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOSAngles of depression and elevationExample and exercise1. From the top of a tower , the angle of depression of a point on the ground 1M away from the base of the tower is 600. How high is the tower?SolutionTan600= Tan600= BA = tan 600 x 10 mBA = 17.321m = height of a tower2. P and O are two pegs on level ground and both lie due west of a flag staff. The angle of elevation of the top of the flagstaff from P is 450 and from Q is 600. Find distance PQ.SolutionTan450= AB24mAB = 24m x tan450AB = 24mTan 600 = QB = QB = 13.85mPQ = 24m – 13.85mPQ = 10.15m3. At a point 182 m from the foot of a tower on a level road, the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 360441. Find the height of the tower.SolutionTan 36044’ = h = 0.7463 x 182 mh = 135.8266m4. x and y are two points on opposite banks of a river( figure below) . If PY measures 90m and XPY = 590. Find the width of the river.SolutionTan590 = w90mW = tan590 x 90m= 1.6643 x 90m= 149.787mTRIGONOMETRIC SPECIAL ANGLES angle00900180027003600Sine010-10Cosine10-101Tangent0∞0∞0Cos θ= Cos θ = xSin θ = Sin θ = yOTHER SPECIAL ANGLES:Consider an equilateral triangle ABCLet each side to have two (2) unitsUsing Pythagoras theorem(AB)2 = (BX)2 + (AX)2 22 = 12 + (AX)2 AX = √3Sin 600 = Cos 600 = Tan 600 = Sin 300 = Cos 300 = √3 2 Tan 30 0= For 450 Consider an isosceles triangle ABCEXAMPLES1. Find the sine, cosine and tangent of each of the following angles.(a) -1350 = 3600 + -1350 = 3600– 1350 = 2250 =2250 – 1800 Sin 450 = Cos 45 0 = Tan (– 1350) = tan 450= 1b. 3300= 3600 – 3300 = 300 = sin 330 0 = – sin 300 = – 2. Find the values of the following without using tables.= = x = 3. = = x = SINE RULE Let us consider a triangle ABC, with its including angle CLet us find the area of the triangle using its including angle and two sides.Area of triangle ABC = x a x b x sin C Area of triangle ABC = x a x c x sin B Area of triangle ABC = x b x c x sin A x a x b x sin c = x a x c x sin B = x b x c x sin A Dive each by x a x c = = Examples1. Find the unknown sides and angle sin each of the following triangles.Solution = = but A = 1800 ( 61+43)0 = = b = No.Logarithm6.820 x 10-14x 1009.703 x 10-102.812 x 100= 2.81cm1.8338+ 0.60210.43591.98690.44902. Juma notices that the angle of elevation of a coconut tree is 320. Walking 11 m in the direction towards the tree he notices the angle of elevation to be 450. Find the height of the tree.SolutionTan45 0 = h = tan450 ( x – 11) h = x – 11…..(i) h = tan 320 X x h = 0.6249x………….ii)compare i) and ii) eqns x-11=0.6249x x-0.6249x=11 0.3751x= 11 x=0.0341m COSINE RULEConsider a triangle ABC whose coordinates are A ( 0,0) , B ( c, 0) and C (b cos A , b sin A)Cos A = Sin A = X = b cos A Y = b sin Aa2= (b cos A – c)2 + ( b sin A – 0)2 a2= b2 cos 2A – 2bccos A + c2 + b2 sin2 A a2= b2 sin 2A + b2cos 2 A – 2bccosA+ c2 a2 =(sin2 A+ cos2A)b2 + c2-2bccosA a2= b2+ c2 – 2bc cos Ab2= a2+ c2– 2ac cos B cosine rule c2= b2+ a2 – 2 a b cos cExample Find the value of angle A.a2= b2+ c 2 – 2bcCos A (2.8)2= (3.4) 2 + (4.5) 2 – 2 x 3.4 x 4.5 x cos A 32= 32 + 52– 2 x 3 x 5 x cos A Cos A = 5/6 =0.8333 A = cos-1 0.8333No.logarithm0.5 x 10 10.6 x 1018.33 x 10-1 = 83.3330034’1.6990– 1.7782-1.9208A = 33030’COSINE OF THE SUM AND DIFFERENCE OF TWO ANGLES (A and B) Cosine ( A + B ) = cos A cos B – sin A sin B Cosine (A-B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin BVerify that Cos ( 90 – 60) = cos 90 cos 60 + sin 90 sin 60 Cos 30= cos 900 cos 600 + sin 900 sin 600 = 0 x + = Questions1. find the cosine of 750 without using mathematical tables.solution Cos 750 = cosine (30 + 45) = cosine 45 cosine 30 – sin450 sin 300 = x – x = = = 0.2588We use the knowledge of coordinate geometry to find the distance and cosine rule.Consider a unit circle of radius 1 with points P and Q and angles A and B shown in the figure.Let the distance from P to Q be d.By distance formulad2= ( cos A – cos B )2 + ( sin A – Sin B) 2 d2 = cos 2A 2 cos A cos B + cos 2 B + sin 2 A – 2 sin A sin B + sin2B d2= cos 2A + sin 2 A + cos 2B + sin 2 B – 2 sin A sin B + sin 2 B d2 = 1+1 – 2 (cos A cos B + sin A sin B) d2 = 22(sin A sin B + cos A cos B) ……. (i)by the cosine ruled2 = 12 + 12 – 1 cos (A-B) d2 = 22 cos ( A-B) ……(ii)equate equation (i) and (ii) 22 cos (A-B) = 2-2 ( cos A cos B + sin A sin B) -2 cos (A-B) = -2 ( cos A cos B + sin A sin B) Cos ( A B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B …. (iii)also Cos (A+B) = cos ( A -B ) = cos A cos–B + sin A sin –B = cos A cos B – sin A sin B ……( iv)THE SINE OF THE SUM AND DIFFERENCE OF ANY TWO ANGLESConsider a triangle ABC and c as a acute angle. Sin C = Cos (90 – C) = …….. (i) Now let C = 90 – ASin (90 – A) = Cos A = c/b …..(ii)Also let c be A + BSin (A+ B) = cos (90 – (A+B)) Sin ( A+ B) = cos((90 – A) –B) Sin (A+B) = cos (90- A ) cos B + sin (90- A) Sin B Sin (A+B) = sin A cos B + sin B ( cos A) Sine of the difference of any two angles A and B Refer to the above expression Sin (A-B) = sin (A + – B) = sin A cos –B + sin –B cos ASin A cos B – sin B cos A __ Difference of any two angles.Exercise1. (a) Find the truth set of Sin θ = – in the domain 0≤ θ≤3600(b) verify that for any small angle A0 cos (90-A ) = sin A Solution a. sin θ = – sin negative is in the 3rd and 4th quadrant 3rd Θ-1800 = 300 Θ = 180 + 30 0 Θ = 210 04th 360 – θ =300 – θ = 300– 3600 – θ =- 330 0 θ = 330 0The truth set of sin θ = = 00 ≤ θ≤3600b. cos (90-A) = sin A cos 90 cos A + sin 90 sin A =sin A 0 x cos A + 1 x sin A = sin A Sin A = sin A2. Use sin( S + -t ) to help find a formula for sin (s t)Solution S t = s + ( -t) = sin S cos –t + sin (-t) cos S = sin S cos t – sin t cos S3 . Verify that sin (+ ) = sin cos + sin sinθ = = = = 600 x 5 = 300 0 = 36003000 Sin ( 120 + 300) = 120 cos 300 + cos 120 sin 300 Sin 4200= sin 60 cos 60 + -cos 60 –sin 60 Sin 60 = x + – x = + = ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS:AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVELBAM NOTES A LEVELBASIC MATH O LEVELBIOLOGY O/A LEVELBOOK KEEPING O LEVELCHEMISTRY O/A LEVELCIVICS O LEVELCOMPUTER(ICT) O/A LEVELECONOMICS A LEVELENGLISH O/A LEVELCOMMERCE O/A LEVELACCOUNTING A LEVELGENERAL STUDIES NOTESGEOGRAPGY O/A LEVELHISTORY O/A LEVELKISWAHILI O/A LEVELPHYSICS O/A LEVELMOCK EXAMINATION PAPERSNECTA PAST PAPERS Basic Mathematics Study Notes Form 4 Basic Mathematics Study Notes Msomi Maktaba All Notes FORM 4MATHEMATICSPost navigationPrevious postNext postRelated Posts Agriculture Form 3 Agriculture Form 3 – AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS November 13, 2018February 13, 2019ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS: AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVEL BAM NOTES A LEVEL BASIC MATH O LEVEL BIOLOGY O/A LEVEL BOOK KEEPING O LEVEL CHEMISTRY O/A LEVEL CIVICS O LEVEL COMPUTER(ICT) O/A LEVEL ECONOMICS A LEVEL ENGLISH O/A LEVEL COMMERCE O/A LEVEL ACCOUNTING A LEVEL… Read More Computer Study/ICT Study Notes COMPUTER/ICT NOTES FORM ONE TOPIC 1: CONCEPT OF INFORMATION November 6, 2018May 6, 2020F1-RevisionHomework-Module2.pdf (138k) ICT Form 1 – Lesson 1.pps (879k) ICT Form 1 – Lesson 2.pps (726k) ICT Form 1 – Lesson 3.pps (622k) 12:31 AM ICT Form 1 – Lesson 4-MSWord.pps (548k) ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS: AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVEL BAM NOTES A LEVEL… Read More Basic Mathematics Study Notes Form 3 Mathematics – THE EARTH AS A SPHERE November 13, 2018August 17, 2024THE EARTH AS A SPHERE The earth surface is very close to being a sphere. 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Computer Study/ICT Study Notes COMPUTER/ICT NOTES FORM ONE TOPIC 1: CONCEPT OF INFORMATION November 6, 2018May 6, 2020F1-RevisionHomework-Module2.pdf (138k) ICT Form 1 – Lesson 1.pps (879k) ICT Form 1 – Lesson 2.pps (726k) ICT Form 1 – Lesson 3.pps (622k) 12:31 AM ICT Form 1 – Lesson 4-MSWord.pps (548k) ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS: AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVEL BAM NOTES A LEVEL… Read More
Basic Mathematics Study Notes Form 3 Mathematics – THE EARTH AS A SPHERE November 13, 2018August 17, 2024THE EARTH AS A SPHERE The earth surface is very close to being a sphere. Consider a sphere representing the shape of the earth as below. NS is the Axis of the earth in which the earth rotates once a day. O is the center of the earth. The… Read More