Form 5 Physics: HEAT – 1 (part 1) msomimaktaba, February 24, 2019April 27, 2020 ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS:AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVELBAM NOTES A LEVELBASIC MATH O LEVELBIOLOGY O/A LEVELBOOK KEEPING O LEVELCHEMISTRY O/A LEVELCIVICS O LEVELCOMPUTER(ICT) O/A LEVELECONOMICS A LEVELENGLISH O/A LEVELCOMMERCE O/A LEVELACCOUNTING A LEVELGENERAL STUDIES NOTESGEOGRAPGY O/A LEVELHISTORY O/A LEVELKISWAHILI O/A LEVELPHYSICS O/A LEVELMOCK EXAMINATION PAPERSNECTA PAST PAPERS Form 5 Physics Notes Physics Study Notes FORM 5PHYSICSPost navigationPrevious postNext postRelated Posts Form 1 Physics Notes PHYSICS FORM ONE TOPIC 8: WORK ENERGY AND POWER November 6, 2018February 13, 2019 Work The Concept of Work Explain the concept of work If a person pushes a wall and the wall does not move, though the person may sweat and physically become tired, he would not have done any work. But if the person pushes a trolley and the trolley moves… Read More Form 3 Physics Notes PHYSICS FORM THREE TOPIC 8: VAPOUR AND HUMIDITY November 6, 2018February 13, 2019Vapour The Process of Evaporation of Liquid Explain the process of evaporation of liquid Vapours These are molecules which escape into the atmosphere after liquids are heated. When a liquid is heated strongly then molecules tends to escape ( those molecules are called vapour). Most liquids evaporates at any temperature… Read More Form 1 Physics Notes PHYSICS FORM ONE TOPIC 2: INTRODUCTION TO LABORATORY PRACTICE November 6, 2018February 13, 2019 A Laboratory is a room or a building designed specifically for carrying out experiments. Laboratory Rules and Safety Guidelines Rules in a Physics Laboratory State rules in physics laboratory While working in the lab, individuals are advised to adhere to specific lab rules to ensure their safety,… Read More Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment *Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
Form 1 Physics Notes PHYSICS FORM ONE TOPIC 8: WORK ENERGY AND POWER November 6, 2018February 13, 2019 Work The Concept of Work Explain the concept of work If a person pushes a wall and the wall does not move, though the person may sweat and physically become tired, he would not have done any work. But if the person pushes a trolley and the trolley moves… Read More
Form 3 Physics Notes PHYSICS FORM THREE TOPIC 8: VAPOUR AND HUMIDITY November 6, 2018February 13, 2019Vapour The Process of Evaporation of Liquid Explain the process of evaporation of liquid Vapours These are molecules which escape into the atmosphere after liquids are heated. When a liquid is heated strongly then molecules tends to escape ( those molecules are called vapour). Most liquids evaporates at any temperature… Read More
Form 1 Physics Notes PHYSICS FORM ONE TOPIC 2: INTRODUCTION TO LABORATORY PRACTICE November 6, 2018February 13, 2019 A Laboratory is a room or a building designed specifically for carrying out experiments. Laboratory Rules and Safety Guidelines Rules in a Physics Laboratory State rules in physics laboratory While working in the lab, individuals are advised to adhere to specific lab rules to ensure their safety,… Read More