Form 5 Physics: ROTATION OF RIGID BODIES msomimaktaba, February 24, 2019April 27, 2020 ALL NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS QUICK LINKS:AGRICULTURE O LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS A LEVELBAM NOTES A LEVELBASIC MATH O LEVELBIOLOGY O/A LEVELBOOK KEEPING O LEVELCHEMISTRY O/A LEVELCIVICS O LEVELCOMPUTER(ICT) O/A LEVELECONOMICS A LEVELENGLISH O/A LEVELCOMMERCE O/A LEVELACCOUNTING A LEVELGENERAL STUDIES NOTESGEOGRAPGY O/A LEVELHISTORY O/A LEVELKISWAHILI O/A LEVELPHYSICS O/A LEVELMOCK EXAMINATION PAPERSNECTA PAST PAPERS Form 5 Physics Notes Physics Study Notes FORM 5PHYSICSPost navigationPrevious postNext postRelated Posts Form 3 Physics Notes PHYSICS FORM THREE TOPIC 4: OPTICAL INSTRUMENT November 6, 2018February 13, 2019 Simple Microscope The Structure of the Simple Microscope Describe the structure of the simple microscope A magnifying glass, an ordinary double convex lens with a short focal length, is a simple microscope. The reading lens and hand lens are instruments of this type. When an object is placed nearer… Read More Form 1 Physics Notes PHYSICS FORM ONE TOPIC 7: PRESSURE November 6, 2018February 13, 2019Concept of Pressure The Concept of Pressure Explain the concept of pressure Pressure is defined as the force per unit area. OR Pressure is the force acting normally (perpendicularly) per unit surface area. It is calculated by the formula: Pressure = Force (f)/Area (A) P = F/A Where P –… Read More Form 2 Physics Notes PHYSICS FORM TWO TOPIC 2: CURRENT ELECTRICITY November 6, 2018February 13, 2019 Electric current is the rate of charge flow past a given point in an electric circuit, measured in Coulombs/second which is named Amperes. In most DC electric circuits, it can be assumed that the resistance to current flow is a constant so that the current in the circuit is… Read More Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment *Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
Form 3 Physics Notes PHYSICS FORM THREE TOPIC 4: OPTICAL INSTRUMENT November 6, 2018February 13, 2019 Simple Microscope The Structure of the Simple Microscope Describe the structure of the simple microscope A magnifying glass, an ordinary double convex lens with a short focal length, is a simple microscope. The reading lens and hand lens are instruments of this type. When an object is placed nearer… Read More
Form 1 Physics Notes PHYSICS FORM ONE TOPIC 7: PRESSURE November 6, 2018February 13, 2019Concept of Pressure The Concept of Pressure Explain the concept of pressure Pressure is defined as the force per unit area. OR Pressure is the force acting normally (perpendicularly) per unit surface area. It is calculated by the formula: Pressure = Force (f)/Area (A) P = F/A Where P –… Read More
Form 2 Physics Notes PHYSICS FORM TWO TOPIC 2: CURRENT ELECTRICITY November 6, 2018February 13, 2019 Electric current is the rate of charge flow past a given point in an electric circuit, measured in Coulombs/second which is named Amperes. In most DC electric circuits, it can be assumed that the resistance to current flow is a constant so that the current in the circuit is… Read More