Form 5 General Studies (GS) – INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS / COOPERATION msomimaktaba, November 7, 2018February 13, 2019 THE NATURE, CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF TERRORISMWhat is terrorism? Is the use or threat of violence by groups of people to create fear for the aim of changing a certain behavior in the society. Terrorists kidnap people, hijack airplanes, set off bombs, set fires and commit Other serious crimes. The goals of terrorist differ from those of other ordinary criminals because most of Criminals want money for personal gains, to terrorist commit crimes to support political causes.Nature of terrorismThe ‘nature’ of something is generally taken to mean ‘the typical qualities and characteristics of something’. Hence, there are a variety of tributes of terrorism such as: i. It is often symbolic in character ii. It is often indiscriminate in nature iii. It typically focuses on civilian and non-combatant targets of violence. iv. It has sometimes provocative and sometimes retributive aims v. It causes the disruption of public order and putting in danger of public security. vi. It leads to the creation of a climate of fear to influence audience wider than the direct victims. vii. It disregard the rules of war and the rules of punishment,and vii. It has an asymmetric character (armed versus unarmed: weak versus strong).If the nature of terrorism is to be derive from its components, thus, the nature of terrorism can be stated to be an intentional and rational act of violence to cause fear in the large audience or society for the purpose of changing behavior in the audience or societyCauses of terrorism:-(i) Social and political injustice, people resort to terrorism when they are trying to right what they possessed to be socially and politically wrong. e.g. When they have been stripped off their land or rights.(ii) Ethnicity, nationalism / separation on aggrieved group may resort to violence for nationalist or separatists reasons. This is taken as a resistance against external oppression e.g. nationalists movements commonly turned to nationalism by being the resort of an extremist function.(iii) Social stratification inequalities in the nglish-swahili/distribution” target=”_blank”>distribution of scarcely resources are an important factor for terrorism when the goods are absolutely or relatively.(iv) Absence of democracy, use of draconian law which oppress population may tempt population of resort to harm the government leaders or government properties.(v) Dehumanization, the simple minded population may resort to terrorism fighting for being heard, recognized or treated as equal human being seeking liberation from government in power.(vi) Religious jingoism, some religious groups have a strong belief that their religion is best than the other beliefs so the religious people may use force or violence to pressurize the dominance of that particular religion over the larger group of people in the society.EFFECTS OF TERRORISM(i) Death of people, e.g. on 11th Sept. 2001, three airplanes have hijacked by terrorists were by 3000 people died.(ii) Decline of tourism.(iii) Unemployment.(iv) Decline of investments due to increase of insecurity and fear, this leads to economic retardation.(v) Terrorism has forced many governments in the World to set aside huge budgets for fighting terrorism.(vi) Destruction of infrastructure following the USA embassy in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi there was destruction of buildings difficult to attain federal level in EAC.= Tanzania waited more public education objective of goals. = Tanzania feared their land will be occupied by their counter backs (fellow).= Feared to lose employment opportunity.= Political instability in Kenya, Uganda.= Power mongers, Museveni waits to get power as leader of EAC.= Economic imbalance.The role of big powers in maintaining peace and understandingBig powers of the world especially the developed continue have the following roles in maintaining peace and understanding:(i) Developing political relations of equal, mutual trust and seeking common ground while putting aside differences among them.(ii) Cooperating worldwide to cope with challenges. For example, fighting against terrorism, environmental pollution, etc.(iii) Forging deep command and candid disloyal for parties involved in conflicts.(iv) Advocating the peaceful use of outer space and oppose the intrusion of weapons and an arm race in outer space. For example, in February 2008, China and Russia jointly submitted to the Conference on Disarmament a draft treaty on the prevention of the placement weapons in outer space and the threat or use of military weapons against outer space objects.(v) Take efforts to combat the illicit trade and Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) through the arms trade treaty. (vi) Big powers observe in good faith their obligation under the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and Chemical Weapons Convention 9CWC) and support the multilateral effects aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of the convention. For example, China USA, Russia, etc. fulfill this.(vii) They oppose the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and they actively take part in international non proliferation efforts. For example, China hold that all states should resort to dialogue and negotiation to resolve difference in the field on none-proliferation(viii) Holding joint counter –terrorism military exercises. For example, In August 2007, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan and Uzbekistan held a joint counter terrorism military exercise in the Xinjiang Uygur in the task of combating terrorism20The historical background to the United Nations and its objectives.The world experienced many tensions, conflicts and threats from big nations such as Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Hungary and Japan in 1900s. The tension among these nations led to First World War (1914-1918) and Second World War (1939-1945). The peaceful atmosphere of the world War disrupted as battle and deaths prevailed. Period between the First World War was characterized by efforts of the concerned big state to look at the mean through which worldwide peace and can be maintained.After the First World War, the League of Nations was formed in1919. Its major task was to supervise peace in the world by controlling the aggressive nations such as Germany and Italy. However, the League of Nations proved to be a toothless dog that could bark without biting since aggressive actions continue and rearmament progressed. These actions led to the outbreak of the ___________________20Chine’s National Defense in 2008 : Information from Office of the State Council of the people‘s Republic of ChinaSecond World War. After the nations had proved failure and had to be changed or transformed to United Nations organization (UNO). Its major tasks, like the predecessor was to make sure that there is no occurrence of another world war. The UNO thus came into existence on 24th Oct,1945 when five big powers ratified the charter. These were China, France, the Union of soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the United Kingdom and the USA.The role of United Nations in maintaining peace and Understanding i. Since 1988, the UN has played an instrumental role in bringing about settlements to long running civil wars and foreign armed intervention. For example, UN in Afghanistan, Mozambique, Elsalvador, Namibia, Angola, etc.ii. Influencing decolonization and writing constitutions organizing and monitoring election as well as establishing administrative and financial organs for the new states iii. To handle armed conflicts iv. To invoke sanctions against aggressive stste v. To settle some disputes in the world vi. To control armament in the world vii. To fight for human rights in the world viii. To promote environmental conservation ix. To fight against terrorism GLOBALIZATIONMeaning of Globalization– Globalization refers to the integration of different parts of the world into a global village. It involves integration of economy, politics, culture, science and technology among nations. Globalization is driven by international trade investment information and technology. Origin of globalizationHistorically, globalization is not new phenomenon. The interconnectedness and interdependence of the world between its different social, political and economic components started as far back as during the European mercantile period(1500-17500 A.D) and has continued up to the present. During the European mercantile period, European merchants crossed their borders and conducted trade in other parts of the world like Africa. Asia and Latin America. The event of slave trade and the exportation of Africans from their continent to other continents, notably the Americas linked Africa more and more with outside world. All these activities were demonstrations of globalization at that time.Furthermore, the event of the Second World War (1939-1945) also accelerated globalization in that after that war the world become more and more interlinked at the economic level. For example, USA assisted the war ruined economy of Western European nations from collapsing. In 1947 USA extended an economic recovery programme (Marshal Plan) to Western European countries. USA and European countries become closer allies not only economical but also politically since both of them were capitalists.In the 198s there was a historical point of departure. The international politics not only posed economic and social transformation but also nation’s balance of power. Socialism and capitalism ideologies divided the world into two antagonistic camps, namely the capitalist bloc led by USA and the socialist bloc led by Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. (USSR). This was during Cold war period that lasted from 1945 to early 1990s. From early 1990s socialism fell in Russia (the first socialist nation in the world). This paved way to the rapid spread of capitalist ideologies among different countries of the world. Since the early 1990s globalization has quickly touched the entire World in terms of advancement of science and technology. All these changes have brought together people from all different nations of the world to operate and work together as one village.Driving forces of Globalization:-Advancement in science and technology. This has contribute greatly to the development of global inter connectedness of ward society into a global village.Free market economic system, this is characterized by profit maximization to generate capital for invest.Advancement in Education, Education contribute to the development of science and technology and there is integrations of people from far distance i.e. UniversityMovement of the people from one country to another, e.g. Tourist, business man, diplomats.Finance – there is a global flow of money driven by interconnected currency market, stock exchange and etc. the flow of money is facilitated by IMF and WB.Democratization in form of multi partism and good governance. Feature /Aspects globalizationAs an economic, political and social phenomenon globalization is associated with the following major aspects: (i) Information and communication technology: Globalization is characterized advancement of information and communications technology. For example, computer screen, radio, newspapers, televisions and mobile phones.(ii) Movement of people: There have been increasing movements of people from one country to another. These people include tourists, immigrants, refugees, business travelers and diplomats. Hence, these movements, make the world to be interconnected.(iii) Spread of ideas and ideology: Spread of knowledge, ideas, information and ideologies have been integral aspect of globalization. Direct foreign investment brings both physical capital and technical skills on production methods managerial skills, marketing skills and global economic policies. Spread of technical know-how, goes hand in hand with diffusion of political ideologies. For example, multiparty democracy has become worldwide political ideology.(iv) Free market economy: Globalization has brought about the integration of international political economy through inter-financial institutional policies and international trade. The main emphasis is to minimize the direct involvement of government in economic production.(v) Financial globalization: There is a global flow of money driven by interconnected currency market stock exchanges and commodity market stock exchanges. The flow of money is also facilitated by international financial institutions such as international monetary fund (IMF) and the World Bank.The Influence of globalization on social, political and Economic Reforms in Tanzania The Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) Structural Adjustment Programmes refer to the list of budgetary and policy changes given by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) as prior conditions to be met by developing countries to qualify for a loan, grant or aid. These conditional ties typically include: reducing barriers to trade, and capital flows and tax increase as well as reduction in government expenditure.Objective of SAPsi. General poverty reduction by improving the living standards of the people in the Least Developed countries . ii. Improve the public investment programmes.iii. Agricultural sector reforms, market liberalization and institutional reforms.iv. Improving sectoral resource allocation and mobilizing domestic resources and restoring growth to the economy.v. Devaluation of local currency for eliminating exchange rate distortions in order to raise the domestic currency pricevi. Tax reduction on imports and elimination of barriers or restrictions in trade sector.vii. Rationalization of public sector to enhance employment opportunities.Factors that led the emergence of Structural Adjustment Programmesi. Economic crisis: The worldwide oil shocks of 1973 led to the backsliding of the economies of developing countries as this was accelerated by poor economic policies. Per capital income and Gross Domdec Product (GDP) declined rapidly for most of sub-Sahar Africa countries. Hence, the SAPs emerged out of the western financiers’ tune to the poor countries as they requested for loan in order to revamp their dwindling economy.ii. The increase of external dept within the region: The increase of external debt within the region made many Africa countries fail to improve their economic growth. For example, around 1980s the external debt reached U$D 129 billion. Hence, they were to fulfill these conditional ties in order to get loan.iii. Poor delivery of services. Poor salaries and non-compliance with financial order plunged developing countries into the unkind Structural Adjustment Progammes. The governments were accused of being blotted with too many people doing very little work. Hence, failure of government to provide services to the citizens and overburdened structural systems led to introduction of SAPs by donor countries.iv. Falling of Educational Standards of all leves. Most Africans failed to afford the cost of education due to poor economy.Principles of structural Adjustment Programmes1. Redefining the roles of the Government: The governments had to embark on supervisory and regulatory roles. To do this the roles of the governments were to be putting favorable policies in place and provision of a conducive investment environment for local and foreign investment.2. Redundancy and reduction of workers3. The government had to transform the economy from centrally planned public owned economy into market driven sector led economy. The states were required to eliminate tariffs, reduce taxes and promote the role of private sector in the export trade and liberalization of domestic retail and whole sale trade.4. Reduction of public expenditures in social services by introducing cost sharing policies in all social services such as education, health, water, etc. Which were formerly provided freely by the government.5. The governments to withdraw from providing agricultural incentives like subsidies to farmers. The agricultural sector was to be under privatization to minimize the government expenditures.6. Privatization of public owned enterprises. The intention was to consolidate and ensure effective performance in the trade sales and joint ventures.7. Devaluation of currency Achievements of structural Adjustment ProgrammeAchievements of structural Adjustment Programmes i. The formation of adjustment programmes and policies with the intention of economic sustainability, efficiency and growth. Structural adjustment programmes have raised the standard of people in the respective countries through privatization policy.ii. Investment performance improved mostly in strong reforms in the years between 1980-1984-1987.iii. Average annual export growth rates rose by 5-6% in strong reforms from1980 to 1987.iv. In countries where there were strong reforms, agricultural production, exports, investments and consumptions increased during 1985-1987.v. Exchange rates grew in some Africa countries for example, Nigeria witnessed increased prices and exchange rate in 1980 where regional output was 50% and increased to 86% in 1987.Failures of Structural Adjustment Programmesi. Structural Adjustment Programmes failed to implant most of the predetermined objectives and principal to the developing countries and instead these have accelerated the rate of poverty in rural areas. This has mainly been due to the fall of agricultural sector which is the backbone of economy of most developing countries.ii. Diversification of economy is still low due to unstable economy due to the fact that low capital earnings in the developing countries tend to be directed to different social-economic issues.iii. Export capital and investment capital ratio is still low in developing countries especially in the sub-Sahara African countries. This is because the conditionalities issued by the IMF and World Bank to the developing countries affect the capacity of ivesting the imported capital.iv. Agricultural and industrial products are still not satisfactory due to the improper investment and inadequate technology .A: Privatization(a) MeaningPrivatization refers to the process of transferring assets and activities of public sector to be run by the private sectors or individuals. Privatization is one of the results of Structural Adjustment Programmes which has been emphasized by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB) and donors from abroad such as Britain, France, USA, Denmark and Germany.(b) The objectives of Privatization i. To create more market oriented economy where those privatized firms will participate in the stock market.ii. To improve productivity of economy and efficiency of privatized parastatals.iii. To secure and enhance access to foreign markets, capital and technology through attracting managerial and technological resources from the private sector.iv. To broaden share and ownership through equal provision of public services to all levels.v. To reduce the overwhelming and challenging increase of public To preserve the goal of self-relianceC.Measures Taken to enhance Privatizationi. To improve the operational efficiency of enterprises and their contribution to the national economy by selling them to private investors.ii. To reduce the burden of parastatal enterprises to depend on the government budget.iii. To sell parastatal enterprises to private investor so as to expand the role private sectors in the economy and permit the government to concentrate on core functions due to the relieved burden of dealing with production activities.iv. To ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>courage wider participation in the ownership of private companies and management of business by selling and telling private investors engage in production.Advantage of Privatizationi. It has increased flexibility due to the reduction of bureaucratic complexity and procedures in order to improve the national economy.ii. It has reduced costs resulting from inefficiency in production through competitive processes.iii. Privatization has led to the improvement and rise of competition among the existing private organizations and in the public sectors.iv. It has met demands beyond the current government capacity because the private sectors ennglish-swahili/courage” target=”_blank”>courage competition which increase the level of productivity and efficiency.v. Privatization provides clients with more choice of options where they can satisfy in terms of contract, salaries and working conditions.Disadvantage of privatization i. Increase of unemployment to the indigenous: Privatization has increased unemployment of indigenous people. This is because most of the people come from outside to work. When any public enterprise is privatized it is accompanied with massive redundancy of the previously employed people.ii. Fall in agricultural sector. It has led to the fall in agricultural sector due to the withdrawal of the government from providing incentives.iii. Reduction of quality of services. Privatization has increased temptation to reduce quality of services in order to reduce costs and maximize profit.iv. Increase of the rate of moral erosion: Privatization increases the rate of moral erosion due to its policy of free trade. The private companies tend to import all goods without considering consumers. For example, pornographic pictures and other related films or VCD/DVD which affect the younger generation.v. Increase the rate of poverty: Privatization policy increases the rate of poverty to people living in Rural people depend on agriculture for the better quality of their life.B. Trade liberalization (free trade)Trade liberalization refers to the reduction of tariffs and trade barriers to permit more foreign competition and foreign investment in the economy. It is a term which describes complete of partial elimination of trade restrictions through elimination and reduction of trade barriers such as quotas and tariffs.Free trade. Is the unhindered flow of goods and services between and/or among countries and is a name given to economic policies and parties supporting increases in such trade. E.g. Tanzania introduced trade liberalization as from mid-1980’s following the IMF conditionalities to be fulfilled for a country to qualify to be given loan or grant.C. Democratisation processThe democratisation process is looking at the following basic pr: cir les:i. Free and fair political competition: A free and fair election is the situation where by choosing of leaders is done democratically. In order to be free and fair elections there ought to be the following requirements:• Competitive: Elections for holding different political positions such as presidential, Parliamentary, Councilor or Local Government political position must involve different political parties which compete to win such positions.• Periodic: Elections need to be carried out in a specified period for all political leadership authorities. In Tanzania, General Elections are conducted after every five years. For example, a president, Member of parliament or Member of House of Representatives ( in Tanzania Isles) or a Councilor stays in power for a five year term. A president can be elected for tenure of two consecutive terms while other posts have no limit for one to contest for leadership.• Inclusive: Elections must include or involve a large number of adult populations who qualify to be registered as voters.• Definitive: Elections must aim at getting rulers who must have legitimate power or authority to direct other people towards better national development.• Elections must ensure that the electorates are not limited in selecting candidates’ or even in making decisions.ii. Political tolerance: Political tolerance is the ability to accept different political points of view of other people. The majority group has a duty to respect convictions and ways of live of the minorities.iii. Citizen participation: Citizens participation includes standing for elections, debating issues, voting on elections, gathering for community meeting s, Joining political parties and organization, protesting and paying taxes.iv. Equality: This means that people are valued equally. They have equal opportunities. No one is discriminated against.v. Accountability: Appointed and elected officials must make decisions and perform their duties according to the wishes of the people not for their own Smooth transfer of power: There needs to be a well-established and transparent system of transferring power from one political party or regime to another.vii. Economic Freedom: This means that the Government should allow people to own private property and businesses. People can choose work and join trade unions. There should be free markets. The state should not control the economy.viii. Control of the power abuse: Elected and public officials should be prevented from misusing their power .e.g. There must be in place mechanisms to control corruption.ix. Inclusion of a bill of rights in the constitution: A bill of rights is a list of rights and freedom guaranteed to all citizens in a country. The billof rights limits the power of government. It may also impose obligations on individuals and organizations.x. The rule of law: It means no one is above the law: not even an elected president. Everyone must obey the law and if one violates the law he/she must be held accountable. xi. Sovereignty: Sovereignty means the freedom to decide and execute domestic and foreign policies without interference from another country. Therefore a neo-colony can hardly exercise democracy.xi. Sovereignty: Sovereignty means the freedom to decide and execute domestic and foreign policies without interference from another country. Therefore a neo -colony can hardly exercise democracy. 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Form Six Past Papers Chemistry Form Six Past Papers – NECTA A Level October 16, 2019October 16, 2019Click The Links Below to download Form 6 Past Papers Chemistry Year Questions/Answers 2019 Paper 1, Paper 2, Practical 3A 2018 Paper 1, Paper 2, Practical 3A, Practical 3B 2017 Paper 1, Paper 2, Practical 3A, Practical 3B 2016 Paper 1, Paper 2, Practical 3A, Practical 3C 2015 Paper 1,…Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 Read More